Рецепт чудесного обогащения, проверенный веками...

Apr 24, 2021 15:05

Очередное воскресение Христово пока еще не наступило, хотя его, похоже, отмечают уже больше месяца, судя по тому, как рукодельницы и рукодельники в соцсетях еще с начала весны пытаются переплюнуть друг друга в деле выпечки “мягких, как пух,” куличиков и окрашивания яиц с целью привлечения многочисленной аудитории последователей...для своих ( Read more... )

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matrixmann April 24 2021, 17:04:16 UTC
A certain course for "back to tradtions" is somewhat present here too - a course for that and then a course for "let's move ahead to something more "progressive" (which I think isn't really progressive, but just propagated American culture, including its scientific errors and mindset specifics that are just resident over there and not all over the world).
Both, of course, fighting each other as fierce like a family only can...

That church specifics, I think, is very significant to Russia - here, if it's about belief things, you can exploit a lot of cash out of people with superstitions, esoteric stuff, fortune telling, healing stones, angels and their supposed "doing", things that promise health (e. g. homeopathy) and such things. Very unattached to a specific church or confession.
Well, and Biedermeier-like stuff; withdrawing to one's own ground and family, to one's job, hobbies or whatever the heck. (Although this does not say that people aren't political anymore; it's just they aren't part of any organized group, or not for long. Or they tend to murmor, each, behind their own garden fence.)


onb2017 April 24 2021, 19:51:04 UTC
You just don't realize how much Russia tends towards the ultra-right spectrum of...I think the American conservatives. They just changed the name and obviously, nationalism is directed against everything that is not Russian and supposedly traditional. I follow the trends that trumptards are into and it is a perfect match what a lot of the Russian population--due to propaganda-- seems to be into: nationalism, religion, militant antigay and antiabortion, conspiracy theories, essential oils, and homeopathy, etc. and a cult of the national leader. Germany probably is not to that point...yet.


matrixmann April 24 2021, 20:57:26 UTC
Well, yes, maybe not yet..
I guess for a total "way back to the traditional" the conditions here don't meet. It's not like you can fetch a lot of people with that. Some yes, but not significant masses that would allow such a roll back.

Here and there I take notice that Russia makes such a roll back - and I ask myself why.
Because - has it ever brought them any gain? Has it ever brought the country forward? Did it improve the life of people individually?
Also, what can be truly considered "traditional" is always relative. Depends on what you put your light on. (The far righters her liked to emphasize Christianity in the previous years as "our culture" - and if you're just a bit educated, you know that the Christian religion originates in Israeli area... Nothing there with "our traditional culture". This crap's once been imported too.)
Additionally, just because people did it in former times - what had been wrong yesterday doesn't become any more rightful just because people "did it in former times too".

Parts of this roll-back I perceive as an outside observer as a counter-reaction towards the West and its policy towars Russia.
You know, all the crap with feminism and "gay pride and rainbow flag can openly displayed = gay rights" (Such a nonsense!)... As this development's been going on for years already.
What I previously already found about it was the people seem to significantly lack sophistication and the skill to differentiate - that meaning in practice, for example, to be able to distinguish between the West's propaganda, make-believe and way to handle something and between the factual substance that exists even though behind a matter.
Like - ah, let's stay with that example of homosexuality... Can best explain it on that...
It isn't homosexuality that is "untraditional" or makes out the decadence because such people have existed at all times and cross-culture, in every place on the earth where humans lived.
What is decadent and "untraditional" here in this point is the West's snobbish acting. They always show up and immediately start to lecture you how "rights" have to look like, acting like "they have seen the light of wisdom". Which they can't have seen because even the West hasn't been always like this - and it hasn't been so long ago that this was the case.
The West is too dump and too convinced of itself that it doesn't realize that other cultures may have different ways of treating something. For example treating it not so extrovertedly and make a fuss out of it.
Additionally, some certain people in the West use its misguided snobbishness about "moral values" and "human rights" in order to instill conventional civil war.

All those facts are something which a good part of Russians (and unfortuanately: even those who aren't totally dumb otherwise...) didn't seem to recognize and differentiate from the objective content of an issue - even back then, when this artificial "culture war" started, at around the time when Conchita Wurst won the Eurovision Song Contest and when the war in Donbass began.

Well... Pesonally I think I can decipher the signs that time throws at me...
Been born at the wrong times... Born GDR (in its last days), socialized by the West - and here I stand feeling like a foreigner in all kinds of issues. Those which would perhaps be more closer to my way of treating things, those are on a trip down the backwards-lane, and those which I could only be with because of that, their culture and way of treating things I despise because I think it's kindergarten and totally not my style...


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