Работа в условиях приближающегося краха

Sep 15, 2020 07:05

Небольшое дополнение к предыдущей публикации-последние известия о том, как можно заработать. Я, конечно, погорячилась, сказав, что сейчас мало что изменилось. Нет, то, что многим приходится делать уму непостижимые вещи для того, чтобы выжить, осталось неизменным, однако условия, в которых всё это происходит, сейчас несколько иные. И было бы ( Read more... )

окружающая среда, наемная рабочая сила

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matrixmann September 16 2020, 14:57:39 UTC
If being frank, nobody knows either here what will be after Merkel leaves?
First, along with her, a couple of old giants in German politics are going to leave too (either they already declared it openly or it can be expected because of age, and because of the precarious overall situation which nobody of them is willing to fix anymore).
And second, those figures which have already been tried to introduce them into the higher ranks of politics during this election term, there's a lot of bio-organic human trash among them which are solely good at talking, and barely anyone to no-one who's really capable of something in skills. And those who are either already leave now or you can expect them to jump the sinking ship at the general election next year. Meaning: They are not available for any position in a new government anymore, but go back to their local office they came from where they could work better and more free than in centralized Berlin.

So, in other words, it's... it's similar. If Merkel as a core figure leaves - and at least she said before, this will be her last term she'll serve; she also doesn't want to have any other office after that -, along with her some others will leave (especially Seehofer, who already stated officially, before corona arrived, that he won't make this term all the way through to the end; well, through corona those plans may have changed, but due to age and Söder having taken over the throne in Bavaria, it can be strongly expected he's also going to leave; and even before he actually didn't want any office in Berlin anymore, but must have agreed grinding his teeth, so that even this government from now came together - as they couldn't agree on a coaltion between the parties back then at the beginning of 2018.) and then there's going to be a huge void opening up.
Because literally everything clinged to Merkel as a central figure in this game for many years.


onb2017 September 18 2020, 15:05:38 UTC
Yeah, I wonder what is going to happen then.

Sorry, i was so busy and tired this week.


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