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matrixmann July 19 2018, 12:44:25 UTC
Game show to pay off your student debt...
Why am I not surprised that this idea comes from the Fox networks?
And then everyone wonders where all the rubbernecks in society come from - if serious subjects all get turned into portions of daily entertainment...


onb2017 July 19 2018, 18:06:46 UTC
Things are getting pretty dystopian. Pretty soon they will come up with the show to pay off someone's funerals.

BTW, heard again that they collect unclaimed poor people bodies for research but they sell them of course because the brokers are involved. Things are getting more somber by day.


matrixmann July 19 2018, 18:33:06 UTC
Well, how can you say? "The movie "Ideocracy" wasn't intended to be a vision of the future."

About doing anything with the bodies of homeless people I'm not surprised.
I can remember an episode in the German series "Der Clown" - think it was one of the late episodes after the millennium - where they created a story showing a corrupt clinic that collected homeless people in order to test their health and sell their organs to people willing to pay a lot for a certain new one (well, admittedly the patients who would receive the donated organs didn't seem to know anything about the true origin of it ( ... )


onb2017 July 19 2018, 18:44:32 UTC
Yeah, I vaguely remember reading about unaccounted refugees they are like disposables really so why not make it a business.

I suppose the series are not far-fetched and it is hard to make up stuff like that so it is certainly not just pure imagination.


matrixmann July 19 2018, 20:18:27 UTC
Yeah. There are also numbers of "children" (whatever they count as "children" or really is under 18) disappearing on the journey. Here or there, one could read one or the other story about them ending up in Turkey on the sector of illegal labor, the girls in arranged marriages, what actually qualifies more as child prostitution.
You can bet your ass on it that the serious crime industry also eagerly grabs its share of that...

No, it actually was more of a fun action series. Very, very much exaggerated in what they depictured in stunts...
At the end they were dropped because they tried to take on a more serious direction. One notices that when watching the episodes of the last season...
Even though it's interesting to see in retrospect, when they sometimes took things as main subjects of isolated episodes, how they picked up topics which still are familiar. Like nothing much changed about that after all that time.


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