Кому угрожают роботы

Apr 25, 2018 06:05

После моей публикации по поводу работы без обеда и неоплачиваемого отпуска, некоторые, вероятно, облегченно вздохнули, ибо “у нас такого пока нет”. Увы, вполне возможно, что скоро появится. И не только “такое”. Буквально на днях вышел отчет Всемирного Банка, вернее проект основных пунктов “Отчета о всемирном развитии”, в котором Всемирный Банк ( Read more... )

эксплуатация, роботы, "Капитал"

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matrixmann April 25 2018, 17:56:13 UTC
"Industrie 4.0" - that's how it's called here and what's going round as a scaremonger for a few years already.

Hm... Never looked at it that way, but on the other hand I feel like I dropped a note a longer time ago about this and drew that conclusion myself that it's not exactly about replacing human labor with machines, but more about using the machines as an economical threat to keep workers on a short leash.
(Edit: Not sure if it was this one, but at least it picks it up and links it with another well-known topic here:

In fact, one needs to admit this, practically it just is what it does.
"Workers' rights?" - "Don't dare to make a riot for long or a drone replaces you!"
I think, maybe it came to me as the talk about drone courier vehicles became loud. Letting one (!) drone perpackage fly around? Never thought of anything ineffective like this. Only sounds nice and sounds like Amazon really cares for you because it runs customized service for a single person (you).
If you think about the cost of sending every package separately, let alone then that drones are flying objects which need to be coordinated and which need a license anyway to get up from the ground anyway - it's a total waste of money and means. Then the drones can't even carry packages of all sizes - those who are too big and heavy (e. g. furniture) still remain in need of other methods.
What are capitalists interested in? The least of effort for the most in profit. A drone delivery system would be much too costly and needed a lot of effort and voluntary countrol to function correctly...
...If you combine that with the knowledge how delivery services for postal goods treat their workers, that they get employed for low wages, get their cars packed full with goods in order to lay down claim to substract the number of undelivered packages in money as a punishment fee from their payment at the end of the day, and all kinds of other things, including that these jobs got their troubles to find apprentices and new faces doing the work, then you get a little smart about this what this thing with the drone delivery was supposed to be.
That was loud talking about making precarious jobs even more precarious. One - for the profit, and second - for the sake of suppressing union work (if that takes place at all). People which got to fear about their jobs so strongly don't seek closeness to unions, don't seek closeness to strikes, no matter how shitty their jobs are.
These jobs are already honored very bad, so you don't want them to be honored even more badly as a member of that group.
As also a good share of middle aged people often is in these badly honored jobs, they strongly don't want this to happen as it would maybe even mean the end of the work career - all just only want young and naive folks... And most people are privately economically ruined by that scenario.
So with being under the gun, before and with the pressure from being replaced by machines, don't think they will only raise their little finger...
They will try to go to work every day, do what they're told to do and try to bury their heads in the sand and survive until statutory pension.

...Simply, from the view of a voluntary cutthroat, what can you want more than this?
And so all the crap starts to make sense...


onb2017 April 26 2018, 14:09:24 UTC
I will read your entry this weekend, I promise. so damn busy and exhausted. But yeah, it is more like a threat than anything at this point because it is hard to squeeze profit from robots. And lots of things are at the development stage so they cause more delay in productivity on top of it.


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