Enthusiasm for a job

Aug 21, 2015 22:07

Picking up something that had already been indicated here: http://matrixmann.livejournal.com/121296.html

Some specific professions already face problems in finding trainees during these days. The reasons for this are various, from too long working hours to bad payment, from factual missing of employee's rights to temporary contracts and from disability to lead a private life to quick replacement.
But, the most remarkable thing awaits in the details as often: The current system using and needing these jobs of this certain kind, it is under threat to break down because it mostly relies on legacy. People once apprenticed a long time ago are the main pillar to shoulder the system and they don't apprentice as many new trainees to replace the old ones that retire finally. More than that, they rather lay out the threat to automatize and replace by machines to answer the uncovered future needs, speaking of "modernization" and "to become more efficient".
What sly-feeling people on the managment floor never get in touch with or even don't calculate, machines are only as intelligent as their inventors could realize and as their masters can operate them, meaning they're far more vulnerable to errors just because they're missing human autonomous intelligence and mankind is not going to success too soon to imitate that. Besides, they may not claim a wage and social security, but they will require propellants instead to feed them and they will also need maintaining. In the case of a drone for package delivery, especially it's going to be ineffecient because one drone may only be able to carry one package at a time, a utility van loaded with packages for delivery can take a lot more. Including they will produce a lot of air traffic which needs to be coordinated suddenly.
So, if it is sold on the outside as an improvement of service, actually it is in fact a downgrade.
Also it avoids solving the homemade problem of relying on crops gained in the past and relying on education that other countries have done which pursue a different policy.

technology, menschen, education, manipulation, nature, youth, history, politik, maschinen, economy, system

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