Last night
samveldhouse complained that I only post once a month, using LiveJournal to sop up my word-bleed. Very well, Sam, I'll deprave myself in the clichés of blog authorship you so cravenly desire of me.
Work is soooooo boring. For lunch today, I had two slices of shitty-yet-addictive Aramark bacon pizza and leftover Kraft shells and cheese. Update: I just got a free pocket planner!
ZOMG my rogue needs phat lewtz! Im not in WoW enuff nemore. Meh. T4 gloves wont drop off Curator, and they always raid Gruul when I'm in rl. WTF? How am i gonna get epicced out? I still have blues! I cant earn DKP w/out raiding, so how am i gonna afford T4 chest from Mag? At least they dont bitch about my dps raid spec, even tho combat daggers is kinda lame, but ill never spec hemo. Mebbe.
Am I missing any boring topics?
I'll resume listening to All Things Considered now.