Oct 11, 2012 12:01
- Wed, 17:22: Meet Tori Spelling's Baby Boy Finn! - Yahoo! omg! http://t.co/7X3wNhJW via @ yahooomg
- Wed, 19:56: Zero patience today.
- Wed, 20:13: RT @ BarackObama: Mitt Romney will say anything to win this election: http://t.co/eS1PPUWG #TheRealRomney
- Wed, 22:47: Texas mother awaits sentence for gluing toddler daughter to wall, beating her - http://t.co/nWFeCBs4 http://t.co/BgQOkVZg
- Wed, 22:47: RT @ OFA_NV: Yesterday, Mitt Romney didn’t tell the truth about his extreme position on abortion: http://t.co/7t1b1jnE
- Thu, 00:44: http://t.co/wrZD2HGl
- Thu, 00:47: Well. Look who is trending.
- Thu, 02:26: Rape trauma as barrier to pregnancy has no scientific basis http://t.co/V8HIhMKq via @ BabyCenter
- Thu, 02:59: Scott DesJarlais, Pro-Life Republican Congressman And Doctor, Pressured Mistress Patient To Get Ab... http://t.co/lkqUw3ol via @ HuffPostPol
- Thu, 03:32: Fuck. My phone has decided to selectively--and usually not--give me email notifications.