So the other weekend
lemming_man & I took out 4 furkids over to a field in Northamptonshire for a weekend of camping & ferrets. For starters packing the car was "interesting" - camping stuff takes up loads of room as does ferret stuff. Turns out we didn't need as much food as we took as there was nommy food provided at low cost each day.
So we met loads of local (& not so local) ferrets & owners, there was racing (our guys were sh*t!), raffles (got a few random bits), music (rather loud for little ears though) & a show.
Ferrets seemed to have a good time pottering on their leads, playing in their playpen & sleeping in their travel cage. We entered lots of categories (all moneys to the local rescue) but only Lemon won anything - she again got first in the "nearly perfect"* category. Little super model!
Ferres wake up to the guitar rift...
* "nearly perfect" is the category for ferts with slight defects - chipped teeth, broken tails, etc. Things which lose you points in the colour classes but not bad enough to count as disabled.
We were at Fuzz Fest on Mark's birthday so this past Saturday he had a few friends from Reading up for games & chatting. We would have invited more but those who have been here know how space is an issue preventing large gatherings.. Well, at least large gatherings where we want to all sit down! I made him a cool cake though...
We have an additional 6 Black & Ruby Barbs in the fish tank now. That takes our population up to the desired amount!
Following my
parents health improving we're all going on holiday to the North York Moors later this summer (well, it might count as autumn...). Need to find out if 4 caged ferrets would count as "2 well behaved pets", otherwise they'll be staying with aunty Chrissy.
Also I'm now working 5 days a week until next Easter :)