As requtsed :)
June has been rather hectic workwise. Lots of surveying & organising people to do surveys/work!
One thing I've been doing is co-leading volunteers searching for rare orchids on our reserves. I have been rapidly swotting up on my chalk orchids & have now seen some lovely specimens of Man, Musk, Frog, Fly, Fragrant, Burnt Tip & White Helleborine as well as plenty of Common Spotted, Twayblades & Pyramidals!
Man orchid
Tiny musk orchid
Frog & Fly orchids
Fragrant & common spotted orchid
We also have some lovely rare butterflies on our chalk grassland including the Duke of Burgandy (photo), Small Blue(photo), Dingy Skipper, Grizzled Skipper & Green Hairstreak.
Sunday saw
cath_er_ine, Chavaunne (our housemate in Bristol) & me going for a long walk from Henley-on-Thames. A slight detour added to to the route so I suspect we walked about 14miles in all. I was pleasantly surprised by not beingly completely nackered afterward! Might have something to do with out tea & cake stop on the home stretch! We ended up having supper in the Little Angel pub in Henley - nice place!
Ferrets... have just woken up as I typed that! Buster has developed an annoying habbit of digging the carpets! Yogi also goes through phases of this but seems easier to stop (at least for a while). We've enjoyed some of the sunny weather pottering in the garden with them. They are now only allowed up the far end to prevent them digging up my flower/herb beds or the lawn! Planning to make a un on the concrete so they can run around off lead too. I think they are getting better at walking on the tandem coupler when we take them out too... We've booked to go to
Fuzzfest with them in August. A weekend of fun, ferrets & camping! Well that's the plan!
Even my car's been ferreted!!!