Holy crap. Sorry for spamming, but this is fantastic.
JoCo, Paul, & Storm perform Always the Moon live My favorite Jonathan Coulton song is "I Crush Everything," and has been for a long time, but this - aah. This song reminds me of something, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what. (Plus, that first line, I'm hooked, ne?) I've only had it around since the show, and already it's bumped "Mandelbrot Set" out of second place. (For those who have only just discovered JoCo, you can listen to his original version
But somehow I think it sounds better with three voices. Double-tracking yourself is all very good, but I like having different voices on a song. Maybe it's just me being a Paul & Storm partisan; I don't know. But the three of them singing together on this hurts beautifully. I really wish they'd done this one at the show here. Al l the more reason to make them come back to Texas soon, I guess.