Rain and sun and rain again

May 30, 2010 19:21

The weather for the next week is projected to be alternating days of cool rain and hot sun. I don’t really understand how that weather pattern develops. I suppose it has something to do with quick moving fronts, but the details are sketchy.

It has been a good weekend. I sent off a draft of a section to my supervisor and made more progress on the last section. I’ll keep working tonight and hope to set myself up for a good day tomorrow.

Today I went to a friend’s studio opening. They had everyone make paper flags and were stringing them across the ceiling. There were a lot of people, and more than enough small children around who wanted to ‘help’. They also had made ice cream. The best seller was a lemon sorbet, it was really strong and really good. I love that it is ice cream season again.

I really should figure out how to better use the macro settings on my camera. There are so many nice flowers out right now, and I like taking pictures of insects. Last week I went for a walk, and tried to take photos of the ferns.

Ferns emerge by putting up shoots that uncurl. These are the fiddleheads.

I’d like to do a proper time laps series of a fiddlehead opening. Maybe next year.

This isn’t the same type of fern, but I like this photo because of the ant.

I really like pitcher plants. We have a couple of different types of carnivorous plants in Nova Scotia, but these are the most conspicuous.

I don’t know what this flower is, beyond some type of grass.

This is a recurring lady slipper, I’ve seen it for a couple years. It is right beside an ATV trail, so I worry about it.

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