i feel like the filling in a feminist sarnie.

Apr 19, 2010 15:42

I am in my Psych lab right now, and seriously, I have no idea what's going on. I'm getting worried about this class- it's all statistics and I am seriously, seriously lost. I'm going to have to do a huge amount of work to try and figure it out, especially with an assignment coming up.

So, typically, I've gone on Livejournal so I can try to ignore my impending doom. It works wonders, I've found.

Anway, on to lighter topics: Ashes to Ashes! I'll admit that I enjoyed this episode less than the first two, but it was still pretty damn brilliant.

- I loved Ray so much in this ep. His character has developed in so many lovely ways since Life On Mars, where I always found him pretty two-dimensional. Dean Andrews really was fantastic in this episode. The casting for Life On Mars/Ashes to Ashes really is amazing.

Speaking of Ray, all the Ray and Alex stuff was just delightful. They had some adorable scenes together. I love how close Alex is getting to everyone- they're a proper team now, as opposed to series 1.

- All the themes, imagery and symbolism stuff is driving me crazy. The thing is, there's a million theories around, and you can find enough evidence for each of them to be viable. In a way, I don't want to figure it out- I'd rather it be a surprise. I'm pretty sure that whatever it is, it's going to completely blow my mind.

- One thing that's really been bothering me this series is the almost total lack of Gene and Alex scenes, both in a romantic and unromantic sense. In previous series, there's always been a huge amount of Gene-Alex interaction. I'd consider it one of the most important elements of the show. This series, however, there's been hardly any interaction between them, aside from when discussing cases. As yorunohime says, it feels a little off when they're not having scenes togther. I have enough faith in the writers to believe it'll improve in the coming episodes, but I just find it a little strange.

In a shippy sense, I'm conflicted. You could easily make a case for their being Gene/Alex moments- the Uptown Girl sequence, the jealousy, Keats' comments about their chemistry- but most of those haven't really been moments per se. Most of them have involved other people commenting on their relationship or Alex cryptically dropping a line about her affection for Gene rather than an actual meaningful scene between them. Hopefully if there's a Gene or Alex-centric episode coming up, there'll be something then.

- The crime of the week was typically predictable- as soon as they showed the twins you could guess what was going to happen. I don't particularly mind- the crime aspect of the show is more a necessity due to them being cops rather than the focus, and they've always been predictable. Unlike the first two episodes, however, I found myself a little bored at times when the focus was on the crime solving. It's often frustrating to watch them agonise over who might have done it when you figured it out immediately. Really, though, the crime ended up being a wonderful vehicle for character development, so I can't say I mind that much.

I can't believe there's only 5 episodes EVER. I swear, these next few weeks are going to kill me. By all reports from the writers and actors, the last two episodes are phenomenal, and based on the first few episodes, I think that'll prove true. I seriously love this show more than life itself at the moment!


Just quickly, Doctor Who was on TV last night. I have to say, I was a tad underwhelmed. For some reason, I just couldn't seem to get into it at all. I think I'm about done with it now. I found I missed Ten/David so damn much. I don't like Moffatt either, which certainly didn't help.

As for other shows, I absolutely loved the Ugly Betty series finale. Granted, it was a little rushed, but that's understandable since they had their episode order cut and got told about being cancelled halway through the season. I just adored the way they demonstrated the character development, and how they handled the whole Daniel/Betty aspect. I cried about a zillion times. I'm really sad the show's over- generally, aside from probably season 3, it was a really wonderful show. I've always loved all of the characters, and the show's always been hilarious. Why do good shows have to end???

I'm so damn excited about 30 Rock being back on- and a double episode at that! The Jack/Liz high-five in the promo was the most adorable thing EVER.

tv; 30 rock, tv; ashes to ashes, tv; ugly betty, tv; doctor who, rl; uni

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