Day NINETEEN is saved, thanks to ME via VIDEO

Sep 30, 2009 16:21

[off camera, America is spazzing very audibly]


Oh for the love of... [there's stomping, and you can see America's torso go back and forth, looking frantically for his beloved 28th state] TEXAS!! TEXAS, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!

[seeking seeking seeking and OH NOES there he goes tripping over his own feet and falling flat on his face with an "OMPH!"]

Aw fuck...HEY! I FOUND TEXAS! [and now all that's visible is America's arm sticking straight up, holding his glasses firmly between his thumb and forefinger]

[and now he's getting up, puts on his glasses, and laughs] You've been through a lot, Texas, you don't need to keep getting lost! Heh, I remember those days...cowboys and cattle drives and sla--er, no, don't miss that. [he shudders] Egh, Civil War...

But yeah! Where it was was like, BAM! [he makes some kind of cowboy-shooting pose, just follow along with his old Western one-person show] And then BAM! Shoot 'em and round up the cattle and all that Southern stuff!

[siiigggh, he's being nostalgic again] Wish I had my Colt, then it would really be like back then! With a--

[and then, in mid-epic pose, as if straight from a magical girl anime, a Colt revolver materializes in his hand]


[[ooc: America's stupid, we know, and this is backdated to pre-sailing :D; because America-mun = tard who forgets to post things. YAY THE COUNTRY HAS A GUN.

...I shouldn't have posted this following a "HEY I'M ON HIATUS" DX er, will tag back to this entry because America is whiny and wants attention. Yeah. Totally.]]

dude's gotta gun, glasses, event, nostalgia, america is an idiot, old west, goddamit all, texas, colt

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