TITLE: Day Time
spooky_xphile FANDOM: Doctor Who
PAIRING: The Doctor/River Song
TABLE: Alpha
PROMPT: #17: Day Time
SUMMARY: “The last time we were in America we were nearly killed.”
WARNINGS: Spoilers for “The Impossible Astronaut”
NOTES: None at all.
DISCLAIMER: I wish I owned Doctor Who, but I don't.
“The last time we were in America we were nearly killed,” River reminded him.
“Yes, but that was 1969,” the Doctor brushed off.
“And that's an explanation?”
He sighed heavily. “May we enjoy our day without arguing?”
“Arguing? I thought we were flirting.”
He saw her smirk and could not help but return the gesture. “Arguing is our flirting, isn't it?”
“Not arguing,” she shook her head, “Disagreeing.”
“You have that face again.”
“The 'he's hot when he's clever' face.”
“That face is for others, not you.”
“What makes me different?”
“You're mine,” he received a small kiss before they returned to the task at hand.