R.I.P. Peter Brock

Sep 09, 2006 01:45

...what is this. o_o

Peter Brock was a very well known Australian rally car driver, and I say was, since today he was killed when his car crashed into trees in the Targa West Rally in Gidgegannup. Apparently he lost control, and such speculation on fatigue and the state of the track are factors of why the accident occurred--he'd just returned from Britain, he hadn't driven the car before, and it was raining.

It's just...shocking. It's the second high profile death in a week. And they both died doing what they loved.

I feel so much for each of their families.

Ruth, my housemate, said to me, "These things come in threes. Who do you think is next?"



Went to lunch today at the Pancake Parlour. n_n. I had nachos. 7_7

While at the city I went into this shop to buy American chocolate bars~ I got a Reese's and a 3 Musketeers...um. Reese's are weird. And...not so nice? D: Chocolate and peanuts shouldn't mix. n_n; 'Tis my personal opinion. And the 3 Musketeers are rather like Mars Bars without the caramel. It was alright. :D Although what kind of english is 'Whipped Up, Fluffy Chocolate-on-Chocolate Taste'? o_o <3

=3? n_n; I should go on a round the world trip experimenting CHOCOLATE *_______*

leesy_metallium has let me borrow her Pokemon Nintendo 64 for when I'm sitting in bed with nothing to do~ YAY ZELDA.

...I think my housemates are already obsessed with Super Mario Smash Bros?? -_-;

ruth, chocolate, games, housemates, wtf, death, zelda, nintendo 64, leesy

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