I just ate steak...at midnight...

Aug 14, 2006 00:38

[music|The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar]

I disappeared!

AKA I went to the coast for the weekend. >.>

Weekend started on Friday with my housemate's party...to which none of their friends turned up. O_< So it was all...my friends...but it turned out alright. It was fun. Yup. Drank a bit, not a lot.

I...got to sleep at like 4am I think, since the last people left at around 3 and leesy_metallium stayed over. That, and Ian left his hip flask, and was messaging me about it. I'm keeping it for ransom What should I ransom it for? Hmmmm... for anime and music. XD

On Saturday morning, at 9am, my parents, with my brother, rocked up to take as all to the Sunshine coast to my aunt/godmother's 50th birthday bash.


It was a huge family thing at my uncle's house at it lasted over twelve hours. I was DEAD. Other notes of interest: mother, in her tipsy state, managed to convince me, in my tipsy state, that I should major in Japanese. So there you go. o_O My dad, in his tipsy state, laughed. I punched him. D:

My dad was officially the oldest male there. ;____; Everyone kept commenting at how much he looks like his (deceased) father and how he couldn't play touch footy as well and AAAARRRRGGGGH NO MY FATHER CAN'T GET OLD. ;_______________;

Mwahaha. Though, I love my dad. XD He was informed, as the oldest male and second oldest child, that he had to say a few words in toast to his 50 year old sister, and he was like 'What. HELL no.' And then...man...he is so undiplomatic. XD But we all love him like that. XD He's so amusing. ._.;

Staying in the rather cheap motel, where there were two single beds and and a double bed, dad woke us all up at 6am. x_x He likes torture. I am not good in the mornings. I climbed into bed with my mama, and dad started doing his yoga and believe me, the whole concept of my father doing yoga is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS and kept...HITTING me while I was trying to sleep and making me growl. DDD:

...our family had booked out the entire motel. My cousins from two rooms down said they could hear my father giggling. And not me yelling at him. XDDDD ...no. No selective hearing. <33

Sunday was buying my younger brother his semi-formal outfit. LOL.

I came home and had a loooooong talk with mecuddihy which was great. ^____^ chooooooocoooooolaaaaaaaaate...

I am still sick. x_x



1) Go to uni until lectures finish at 1pm.
2) Meet mama and dad at the ekka.
3) Get back home at least by 5pm.
5) Work out what to cook for a vegetarian.
4) Buy food.
5) Cook food for two friends coming over.
6) Have fun + reminisce about past with seinor video.
7) ...sleep. Sometime.

daddy, cooking, mama and dad, alcohol, meg, sick, david, party, family, leesy, amusing, ian

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