*beep* *beep*

Aug 10, 2006 02:25

[music|Janne De Arc - Gekkou Hana]

Alright, so it is in the hour of 2am. I do usually try to be asleep by this time, usually!! I DO. >.< *is not in denial* I haven't the last few weeks. x_X ANYWAY. So I am still rather sick. I went to bed at around 7pm which is rather insane for me, but there you go. I woke up at 1am HUNGRY, (and because of the fact that I can't stop coughing x_X) since I hadn't eaten anything for...hours. @_@ Over 12, I think, since I lose my appetite when sick.


THE POINT OF THIS POST IS that I just got a text message. From leesy_metallium. Which made me laugh sooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuch. FOR NO GOOD REASON. It is as follows:

02:25:54: I just walked upstairs, got momentarily distracted, and smashed the metal door against my forehead @_@

LMAO. 7_7;


02:31:27: That is almost as distressing as that message about your computer blowing up. 8D

02:36:51: Nah, the computer blowing up hurt WAY more xD

Isn't it nice our priorities are in the right order. *_*

leesy, txt, late night, lol

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