Title: Sticky Treats
Author: Omnicat
Unofficially Adapted From: Masashi Ikeda & co’s
Gundam Wing, including side stories; in particular
Episode Zero.
Spoilers & Desirable Foreknowledge: All of the above, though nothing specific.
Warnings: None.
Characters & Pairings: Dorothy x Middie.
Summary: A typical blind date for two not-so-typical women.
Author’s Note: Now that I’m almost done with my Middie Meets series, the next stage is, of course, Middie Ships. XD I am probably kidding, but WHO KNOWS.
Sticky Treats
“Forgive me, but I must ask -”
“Lady Une?”
“You guessed. Any relation?”
“I see. Still, small world. She and I like to get together for tea and Machiavellian revelry.”
“It doesn’t have to stay negligible.”
“How forward of you, Middie. Do go on.”
Laughter. “So, Dorothy, do you go on blind dates often?”
“Never. Goes to show what a lapse of judgement that was.”
“Nah, you happened to hit a jackpot with me.”
“I’m serious. My last try was twice my age and hygienically impaired.”
“Poor dear. Now I feel obliged to keep you safely off the dating circuit.”
“Mission successful. Shall we find a place to eat?”
“How about the Hotel Lagrange?”
“T - that place charges an arm and a leg!”
“My treat.”
“Damn. I thought you were kidding about knowing Lady.”
“Do I look like I’m not fabulously wealthy and connected?”
“I assumed those things were fake.”
“Admittedly, the lighting here isn’t the best. Don’t worry, though, I won’t mind if the ones you’re wearing don’t get any better than this. Please, let me treat you to the Lagrange’s overpriced food. I can afford it with ridiculous ease.”
“Alright. But unfortunately I’ll have to be a cheapskate on our potential second date.”
“Absolutely perfect. I’ve always wanted to fraternize below my standing. One of the perks of nobility always being known on a first-name basis, it seems; ‘Catalonia’ doesn’t stick in people’s minds.”
“I can imagine that other things about you would stand out more.”
“Keep up the flattery, Middie Une, and I’ll prove you right.”
PSAN: I’ve done Trowa, Cathy, Quatre, Dorothy, almost Relena...