FIC: Sticky Trails [Gundam Wing, Sally x Une]

May 09, 2011 21:01

Title: Sticky Trails
Author: Omnicat
Unofficially Adapted From: Masashi Ikeda & co’s Gundam Wing, including sides tories.
Spoilers & Desirable Foreknowledge: All of the above.
Warnings: Innuendo, dialogue only.
Characters & Pairings: Une x Sally.
Summary: The brand new head of the brand new Preventer agency does not approve of creative uses of office supplies. Unless the creativity is Sally’s.
Author’s Note: Forget 5xS, 11xS is where it’s at.

Sticky Trails

“Sally, what is this?”

“Post-it art.”

“Right. And what’s it doing here?”

“I finished everything I could possibly think of doing, since that’s what you’re really asking.”

“It is, but then again, I’m trying to run an agency here, and my ‘no corporal punishment’ resolution is proving harder to keep than I’d thought.”

“I love it when you talk dirty, commander Une.”

“And just because it’s you, I’m going to assume you’re not a complete incompetant and will be back to earning your paycheck shortly.”

“Of course, hun.”

“So, what is it supposed to be?”

“A surprise.”

Several days later, in Une’s office:

“What the... A bow of post-its around my entire office? Really Sally? Oh, and a note too. Storage room five? Alright. This better be worth it.”

In storage room 5:

“‘Follow the post-its.’ Come on, Sally, think of our budget... oh.”

“Hey there.”

“So the other day was just practice.”

“Like what you see?”

“Yes I do. Though I don’t even want to think about the waste of resources.”

“Lady, work-related matters are the last things I want to talk about when I’m wearing nothing but post-its. Come here and get these things off of me or I swear I’m putting my real clothes back on. You can put them all back in a neat little stack lat-”

“Shh. Just a second. Okay, done.”


“On second thought, never mind. You’re not getting this many for Preventer’s first birthday. Just three post-its will suffice next time.”

“Now you’re talking.”

PSAN: I’ll get to the rest tomorrow. *keels over sleeping*

ship: sally x une, char: sally po, event: gw500 @ dreamwidth, fic/eng: gundam wing, char: lady une, type: multichapter/series

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