And I mean "stunning". As in, I am stunned that anyone could try this, especially with the reactions it has garnered in the medical community. I am, quite literally, at a loss for words.
(I would provide links to the articles detailing the medical community's reaction, but both are hidden behind paywalls. However, here's a TIME article on the subject and the attendant risks of the treatment in question [
TIME - Medical Ethics: Use of Prenatal Dexamethasone Questioned], and here's a letter from a group of medical professionals opposed to the aforementioned use of "dex" to the head of the CARES Foundation, in which several objections made by prominent pediatric endocrinologists - and the research papers detailing the reasons for their objections - are referenced [
This incident is something I would have expected to come out of Nazi Germany, not a respected American pediatric hospital, and I certainly hope that Maria New's license to practice medicine is revoked, PERMANENTLY.