I've been through the desert on a horse with no name

Jan 14, 2006 20:22

Went out for a few beers last night. Got a taxi home from the pub, so there was no kebab purchasing opportunity, and i had to make meself something when i got home. In me haste though, i managed to cut me finger on a tin can. Didn't look too bad at the time, so i just slapped a plaster on it and stumbled off to bed. The Guinness had clearly diminished me medical assessment skills though. Woke up this morning and blood has seeped all through the plaster and over everything. It must have got through the plaster pretty quick too, cos there's a big bloody mark where me hands come in to contact with me clothes to remove them. Just glad i didn't wear me new Neil Young T-Shirt last night, or i'd of been upset. Should probably have washed me finger at the time too, cos it was stinging like fuck this morning. Also it starts to bleed again every time i bend me finger which, being me right index finger, is a nightmare and means i have to perform everyday tasks in a right spazzy fashion in order to avoid using it. Moral of this story is always get a kebab.

Things are looking up on the job front. I've got an interview on Monday for two months temporary work for the council. Sounds a bit of a dogsbody role from what the agency guy was saying on the phone. One bit of it though is reception duties which makes me think i wont get it. I'm sure they'd want someone more presentable and, well, with breasts. Maybe the reception's done on one of those intercom things, i could probably get away with that. Although, it would be nice to do anything at the moment, it might not be a bad thing if i don't get it as, with working a month in hand along with the time of the month i'm starting, i wouldn't actually get paid for 2 months. God knows what i'd do for funds till then.

Heard back from Customs and they said i was successful on the interview, but wouldn't be offered a job in the first intake. See to me, i'd call that unsuccessful but there you go. I did get another letter off them this week asking me to fill out a medical questionnaire and things, so maybe they'll offer me something soon. Also should hear back off the CSA this week. Felt that interview went really well, and it's what i'd like to do for a bit out of all me options, so fingers crossed.

Long term things are looking a bit brighter too. Had me interview for an MA course in Social Work in Preston on Tuesday. It was actually the second time i'd been to Preston in a week, after performing the most stupid move ever and turning up on the wrong day. It's their fault really though, the introduction pack they sent me was huge and me general laziness stopped me reading all of it and they'd broke up the date of the interview in the letter over 2 lines, with 10th on one line and Jan 06 on the other. Just scanning the thing i read the Jan 06 bit and run with it. what a pleb. I have had a lot on me mind though i guess. I didn't mention me legendary attention to detail when i finally did have the interview.

Thought the interview went well. The woman seemed dead friendly and the guy, having noticed that i play guitar in me personal statement, spent most of the time talking about guitars and Johnny Cash records. I think the fact that i knew a lot of johnny tunes must have counted in me favour. I don't want to tempt fate, but if me friend's assertion that, if you get an interview for one of these courses then they want to give you a place and you can only talk yourself out of it, is true, then i don't think i talked meself out of anything. Also Keele got in touch with me which, after receiving knock backs from Manchester, Birmingham and Plymouth and hearing nothing off them, was really unexpected. Good news though, cos out of everywhere left, that's the place i'd like to go too. Their interview seems a bit more challenging than Preston's though. it lasts all day and includes group discussions and loads of bollocks like that. Wouldn't have minded having that in Preston though really, out of 20 odd people applying, i was the only bloke. It was ace. Found out though that the group was split between people applying for the masters course and the normal degree. Seemed all the pretty ones were there for the degree and all the ropey ones were there for the masters. Damn it, i'm getting old. Anyway, just Liverpool to reply to me now and i have to go to keele on 1st Feb.

and yes i have checked the date. Several times.

Had a letter come through to invite me to arrange an appointment to have a second bollock fiddling to confirm me Hernia diagnosis. Had to pick a doctor, and i almost asked for a bloke, it just seemed the natural option. Starting thinking though, and i've gone for a woman in the end. The way i see it, it's not going to be the greatest of situations whoever performs the deed, at the very least i can add one on to me women who've rummaged with me knackers count. Hopefully she wont be too pretty.
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