you put the flowers in the vase that you bought today (CSNY version)

Jan 04, 2006 21:33

Fucking Dudley

Fucking Preston

Fucking England


I need a new start like you wouldn't believe. Can't see Preston being it somehow, despite the fact i've spent all day reading me Social Work book in preperation. IF i get on (and that's a big IF i reckon), think i'm at least going to defer for a year. I've been poor (including the times i was saving all me wages) since November 2002 now and i'm sick of it. I want material possessions damn it. Lots of clothes, lots of CDs, Dennis Penis DVD, Scooter, Denim Jacket etc. It's really not like i'm asking for the world is it? Hopefully i can get a job, move out, buy these things and still save enough in the next 21 months to go to cunting Preston (even typing the name of the place is depressing). I'll probably change that plan tomorrow. Every plan i come up with at the moment just seems a bit rubbish when i really put some thought into it.

New Years Eve was good. A night called Tangled at Phoenix in manchester. Kind of a normal bar downstairs, a room like you're in a small stomping club on the second floor and a chill out room on the third. Haven't been out dancing for nearly two years. I've still fucking got the moves though. Shite moves granted, but i've got the bastards. In me defense, i'd of been much better if the place had sold glow-sticks. Calls itself a club? Was a few negative points apart from the shocking lack of glowsticks though. Had some ovely-friendly Chinese fella grab mine and Rich's arse. That wasn't great. Also had to deal with Weasel on his first pills. The guy's weird enough at the best of times. It got a bit much for him at one point and we had to take it in turns to sit with him for a bit. Had to just grab someone out our group who was walking past, shout your on Weasel watch and leg it back to the dancefloor. Had to talk him out of texting his mum at one point to tell her he was on pills. How he thought that was a good idea i'll never know. Overall though, i really did enjoy meself massively for the first time in a while. Did completely destroy me Christmas funds though. Managed to save enough money for a Neil Young 'Harvest' T-Shirt, and a Love 'Forever Changes' T-shirt but that really is about it.

Just reread that plan i wrote at the top of this entry and already it sounds rubbish. It's a right pain in the arse trying to decide on the best course of action to take with me life next. Really. Worried i'll make the wrong decision.

Been offered some voluntary work, fund raising for Multiple Sclerosis. The email was a bit vague, but i imagine that means it's shaking a tin, in an attempt to get some coppers of some miserable bastards. Sod it though, i'm going to do it for a day or 2, at least it's something productive and worthwhile. Well more so than trying to win the World Series on me poker game anyway. Might even get a free sticker or something, and it's got to be karma points hasn't it? Not that i believe in Karma though. Not since the day i lent 25p out me own pocket when i was on box office at the Cinema and some kid was crying cos he couldn't afford a ticket. Was on an 11 hour odd shift, came on me last break starving and was exactly 25p short fo the cheapest sarnie at BHS. Karma....utter, utter bollocks. Best hope for the free sticker then.
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