Hello0ow,S0owwy I cant help it!:( More quizzes just for u...
Take the quiz:
"Which Demon In My View Character Are You?"
You are a strong and arrogant vampire. You live for the thrill of the hunt and hate being bested in a fight.
I looove Aubrey,If he was real,i'd date him or something!:)hehe
Take the quiz:
"Who would you be in the War of Armageddon?"
Heaven's Army
You'd be best fit to fight for Heaven's Army. You tend to be a do-gooder. But you're rigid in your beliefs and things that are ingrained in your head stay there. You're not easy to argue with because you don't sacrifice your beliefs easily, this can be either good or bad depending on what kind of situation you're in. You defend the good with an iron fist and a strong will. You do not back down, even if it means your own destruction. It's in your nature. You will directly battle the forces of evil in the last days, be ready.
Take the quiz:
"Which one of my dark empty poems are you?"
dead dying pain
i see all these memories they cut like glass so unkind, but we still move keep growing like a blade of grass . these scares hurt liek the deepest wound wide open for a attack. ( you feel as if you have lost everyone worth keeping and this pain is always there...)
Take the quiz:
"Winnie the Pooh-quiz!"
You are Tigger! You like to bounce and you're always happy and pleased, but sometimes you are too bouncy. :/
I ammm tigger,just like my tatt.:) Except im not always happy,just bouncy...:(
Take the quiz:
"Who is your famous soul mate? (For Girls)"
Orlando Bloom
Gwrrr...you've gotten Orlando Bloom! A romantic English man that loves to recite poems..how lucky can you get?
Take the quiz:
"Which famous actress are you?"
Angelina Jolie
Pucker up- I'm Angelina Jolie!
I looove her s0o much!:) Shes my favorite,thats awesome I got her!:) Muwahaha shes s0o budimouuuss!:)
These quizzes were the greatest today cuz I got all g0od resluts that are meee...S0o yesh,Have a beautiful night.My tummys is rawwwwring cuz Im hungwy s0o im gunna find s0ome food for it.G0odnight everyone:( Sweet dreamsss...