Sep 04, 2009 20:34
We meet again, last twenty minutes of my shift. Well when it's over that's 1/3 twelve hour shifts in a row over. The last couple days have been fun. I finally got my funeral director's liscense!! That night Fiona, Rene and I went to Jack Astor to celebrate. Friday was my day off which was superb. Fed the cat, saw Chelsey off to school, punked my books back from goon and hung out with Rene. I passed out at midnight and when I woke at 6AM Rene was gone and I almost had a little spaz!! Turns out he didn't want to wake me and took a cab home even though I was supposed to drive him. I felt bad...
So April's wedding is on Friday, and I get the day off! Wooo!! Gonna get my hair done and then help with decorations. Very pleased that Chelsey will be attending the wedding with me, as to prevent me from going out of my tree. Then Paramore concert on the 15th of October!!
FINALLY got a call at work today, we went almost a month without one. Then those soul sucking vultures from the corporate cemetery tried to bloody steal it. HOW DARE YOU LIE TO THE BEREAVED!!! IF I EVER CATCH YOU DOING IT AGAIN I WILL EAT YOUR FACE!!!!! And that boys and girls is why corporate Funeral establishments and ESPECIALLY cemeteries are EVIL. PURE EVIL. *Go independant!*
I did my first arrangement as a liscence today! I got to sign all the paper work!! :D No one quite gets how big of a deal this is except the other interns...
Grrrg. I have a head ache, and I'm on call tonight. Balls. I never sleep well when I'm on call.
Totally bummed out that almost everyone has gone back to school. Don't even have tee this year. Lucky for me I still have my PIGGEH!!! <3 Also have a feeling that i'll see more of Rene this year because he's living one city over!
Still love criminal minds. Spent my friday night with the marathon again, oh and Rene I guess technically. :D
For now, adieu.