(no subject)

Jun 02, 2011 17:09

[Most of his face is obscured due to the placement of the communicator on the counter, but a down-turned corner of a lip and a narrowed eye can be seen (leading one to think that something must be amiss for such a handsome young man to be scowling in such an unbecoming manner). A bit of flour (or something) can be seen on his chin, probably left there due to resting his chin on a messy hand in a moment of thought.

It is clear that he is in the middle of cooking (something he was rather fond of) and quite upset about something. When things do not go as planned, it's easy to improvise... except when you are cooking and one of the ingredients you thought you had (one that is necessary for the completion of the recipe) cannot be located.]

Baking a loaf of bread is not a difficult task.

[He pauses to rearrange a few things, clearing a space on the counter so he can rest an elbow. After moving the communicator and tilting it up just a hair, his face can now be seen in its entirety - the scowl still present (and likely going nowhere).]

That is, it's not a difficult task when you have everything you need to successfully complete your recipe. Improvisation, one might suggest, is the mark of a good cook... However, one can only improvise to a point - there is no overcoming the lack of a basic ingredient.

[Ah, there's a smile.]

My plan was to bake a few loaves of banana bread - a favorite of both mine and my younger sister. However, we've no bananas, so I opted for pears, as there is an abundance of canned pears in the pantry. [A beat] Flour, butter, sugar, and eggs are all necessary when baking a loaf of bread, no matter the type... And, luckily, all of those things were easily located!

[He pauses again, this time a bit longer, as the smile fades from his face.]

Another necessary ingredient is baking soda - a small amount, only a teaspoon. As this particular bread is leavened by chemicals, such as baking soda, I'm obviously at an impasse since I cannot locate a suitable replacement.

[He sighs, not ready to admit defeat... and not particularly wanting to ask for assistance.]

Does anybody have any advice?
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