Oct 17, 2010 01:10


it was supposed to be one of the best nights of my life- well technically it was, the boys didn't disappoint and they put up an awesome performance. but the showcase just left me feeling mainly disappointed, for reasons not pertaining to JYJ of course, but rather to the management of the whole event.

firstly, Quest, the official organizer of the event, announced that the doors were to be opened at 6.30pm. my friend fen and I, didn't want to rush with the crowd, and we figured- hey, everyone's going to get in eventually right, so there's no need to rush for the opening of the doors when the showcase starts at 8. WRONG. we reached there at 6.45 and there was an amazingly long queue that stretched the length of more than two expo halls, which were really big and were what the showcase was being held in. and after us, the queue just continued for a really long time. we stood there, waiting in the queue with no idea what was happening- Our queue only started moving a few steps from 8 onwards, so i presume that Quest only opened the doors at 8, the time the showcase was supposed to start. by the time we filed into the hall and stuff, it was already 9, an hour later than the time of the showcase- and we were not told anything at all.

the showcase only started officially at about 9.15, and oh let me fangirl a bit here :) the feeling when junsu/jaejoong/yoochun came onto the stage- it was just amazing. that kind of indescribable happy feeling that you can't replicate anywhere, i felt that. when i saw junsu at junho's showcase earlier this year, i was so so happy. seeing the three of them, especially jaejoong, just made my heart feel so full (: they started off with "Empty" from their album, then "Be the One" and "Be my girl" consecutively, and since i abstained from listening to their songs online because i didn't want to be spoiled, i had no idea what song they were singing. but it was still amazing- they sang perfectly, that's the only word i have to describe them. and although our seats were quite far behind, it wasn't too far that we couldn't see them. we were at the centre, second block of seats, and i could still see the three of them really clearly and all their dancing and it was just asfjhaskjfhkjashfasf ♥

after they performed the three songs, they left the stage and a video of their recording in US was played. the whole hall just quietened down and there was this serious atmosphere in the hall, although they went batshit whenever the three of them appeared (: but for me, i was all excited during the first set of the three songs, when towards the end, suddenly my heart just jolted, and i saw with my own eyes, how empty the stage was. it didn't feel right, only seeing the three of them dancing. when i watched the thanksgiving live concert, it was fine, but i watched that on my computer, so it can't compare. but when watching them live, i was just suddenly struck with this empty and sad feeling at the missing presence of yunho and changmin. it was kind of a downer on my spirits, which sucked because i was determined to enjoy every moment of the showcase. the video just made it even worse, because they had an english message in the beginning of the video talking about their hardships and difficulties.

then the MC came on stage and he was just plain horrible. i'm speechless at the mc that they chose to hire for this event. firstly, his english was terrible. even yoochun's english was better than him, and yoochun speaks less english than him. just because we're singapore doesn't mean that all our local "talents" have to speak in singlish and broken english. it was just so embarrassing on our part. and he was just complete fail, he did hype up the audience by asking us to shout "anyeonghaseyo" and "saranghaeyo" to the boys who were backstage, but he also asked us to sing the chorus of "Ay Girl". HELLO? JYJ's album was just released a few days ago and many fans like me haven't heard the album yet. and he kept trying to get us to sing the chorus even though we clearly didn't know.

junsu/jaejoong/yoochun came on stage after that for a Q&A session, and they were sitting on three stools like they did in the seoul showcase. but it was just absolute fail i think. the translator is apparently some korean model, but he was so nervous that he didn't do his job properly. he didn't translate most of what the MC was saying to JYJ, and only translated the questions, and he didn't even translate them in full! even me with my fail korean knew that they said more than what he translated.

the MC, as i said, was terrible, spoke in such broken english/singlish that i just wanted to hide my face somewhere, cracked jokes that weren't funny at all, and worst: cut the boys off. i remember junsu was answering a question when he suddenly just cut in even though su obviously looked like he wasn't done. and the questions was just bizzare. they kept repeating the questions in different forms- the gist of the question was: how did JYJ feel about when recording the new album and working with famous producers like kanye west. he asked this question in 10000 different ways and the three of them were left stumped by the questions most of the time. there was a lot of awkward silences :/ and then he asked the most fail question of the night: how did you feel about your dancing (or something along those lines). the boys were just like huh? and they said that they don't know how they felt about that, they just danced. like DUH, what can you say in response to such questions? i have no idea why they got such lousy MCs & translators- the host for Junho's showcase, another DJ i think, was really good- she spoke fluent korean, interacted really well with both Junsu and Junho, and made the atmosphere a really comfortable one.

after the fail Q&A session was the highlight of the showcase for me. the three of them sang the sungkyunkwan scandal OST: Found You and it almost brought me to tears because i was so so happy. they sang in korean and they were clearly more happy singing this, and hearing a song that i've listened 391827918274 times (it's even my ringtone!) live was just pure amazing. now i understand why fans love singing along and screaming- i felt that feeling at that moment, and i just felt so, so happy. there was this really full feeling in my chest and it was definitely the highlight of the showcase. and as usual, their live is even more amazing than the studio recorded version, which is pretty amazing on its own ♥

after Found You, i think they went into Ay Girl and yoochun rapped some of the kanye parts thank goodness (: he sounded fantastic of course. after Ay Girl, the three of them said their parting messages to the audience, and yoochun was absolutely fantastic in this showcase ♥ he's not my bias, but he made me fall in love with him in this one hour. firstly, he spoke only in english and answered all the questions in english, which is amazing- even his parting message was in english; and he said something that made all the fans go batshit: he said, himself, that they may be seeing us next year when they come back for a concert! like aflsafkjalksfjlaksjf, everyone just went crazy at that and so did i. i can't imagine a full concert by JYJ, it will definitely be awesome- but not when it's managed by Quest.

and he shouted something before they launched into their last song which made me want to cry with happiness. he ended off his message with "ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH". that, was the pinnacle of the showcase, other than the Found You performance. the whole hall went crazy, me being one of them and at that moment i just fell in love with him. doesn't help that he was looking awfully good now that he pulled his hair back. although i always say that when fans say "keep the faith" it's awfully cheesy, that "ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH" really affirmed to me why i'm waiting for these five boys. why after all my dabbling in the various fandoms, these five boys are always the ones i return to, always the ones that i will love the most.

the last song was one that they asked everyone to stand up, and in the end the fans just gave up and stood on the seats because it was virtually impossible to see the stage with everyone standing. the atmosphere was all hyped up and JYJ were jumping and asking the audience to jump and the atmosphere was just crazy good (: but the showcase ended really quickly and the boys left the stage after the last song, which i don't know the name of x) all in all, it was a pretty amazing and memorable experience that i wouldn't trade for the world.

but, even with the perfection that JYJ is, i just felt depressed after the showcase. why? because i could see that the boys weren't enjoying it. we sat next to this malaysian female who was part of the backstage crew. apparently, the malaysian organizers sent them here to see how the management was organizing the event. and she told us really awful stuff that got our spirits down from the start. she told us that during the press conference, junsu/jaejoong/yoochun got really upset because of Quest's lousy management. apparently, the singapore media asked questions pertaining to the lawsuit instead of the new album, although JYJ's management made it clear that no questions about the lawsuit should be asked. she said that their mood just fell and i can understand why- they came all the way to singapore, slotted in one more country into their schedule resulting in three consecutive days of performances, and the media is only interested in the controversy they're embroiled in and not about the album which is supposed to be "The Beginning". Quest didn't handle it well and the boys just got really upset after that.

i can't confirm the authenticity, because it was told to us by the backstage personnel sitting next to us, but she said that she was there because of the Malaysian organizers and she immediately gave them a long list of what not to do as seen from the singapore management- she agreed that the coordination was just simply lousy and she was worried that it would affect the spirit of the showcase. true enough, during the showcase i felt it. i don't know if i was being oversensitive after hearing what she said, but the showcase just confirmed it for me.

note the obvious lack of jaejoong in this post, even though he is my ultimate bias. seeing him in person was amazing, and i just felt so complete after seeing him. but as the showcase progressed on, i felt that he didn't look happy at all. he answered the least questions, junsu and yoochun took more questions than him, and he didn't really smile much, which is a complete turn around from his usual personality. the backstage personnel person also told us that jaejoong was the most upset among the three of them, and true enough it shows. i couldn't even feel happy watching him as the showcase progressed because i just felt so upset for him. he was clearly upset, being quieter than usual and speaking really few words in the whole showcase, and that, personally, ruined the whole happiness at the showcase for me.

that kind of feeling, where when someone you love dearly is upset and you can't do anything to ease that- that is the worst feeling ever, and i felt it for myself today. i was also really worried about the impression that would be left on them about singapore, and i realized that he looked the same as jonghyun did when shinee performed at the esplanade at oh joon sung's drama concert. i was there and i heard shinee live, but jonghyun just looked upset during the trip in singapore, i think partly because of the crazy fans. i realized that jaejoong had that same look, and it just broke my heart. i don't want him going away thinking that all singaporeans are like that- the fans really love DBSK and i hate leaving a bad impression of the country on him. maybe i was being oversensitive, maybe it's because he can't speak english that he didn't speak much, but that was how i felt.

and Quest has simply been an awful organizer. firstly, they set the pre-order date on 4th October, 7pm and the server literally was overloaded with the large number of fans accessing. and instead of trying to fix the problem, they blamed it on the fan's connection. fair enough, i acknowledge that this was not exactly their fault because they can't do anything- it's the large number of fans (4000) accessing the site at the same time that overloaded the server.

secondly, they kept emphasizing the "first-come-first-serve" policy. okay, it is a fair policy, i acknowledge that. but when the system distributed the tickets, it wasn't in a fair way- even fans who pre-ordered a few minutes after 7 got lousy seats, and many had their seats separated even though it was booked by the same person.

next, they announced the selling of more tickets at first come first serve basis on the tuesday after the day of collection of the tickets. the worst thing they did was to announce that they were adding mosh pits, which sparked off an amazingly crazy fans vs Quest war on facebook. but i understand the fans, it's totally unfair to first announce the preorder and make many fans rush for the booking of the tickets, it was an absolutely harrowing experience that i never want to repeat again, but THEN add a moshpit when most of the fans have ordered their tickets. a moshpit was at the sides of the stage and the fans would be really close to them. it was totally unfair to all the fans that booked the tickets already because a moshpit is definitely better than the sitting categories.

finally, they decided to be smart for once and scrapped the idea of the moshpit. but what did they do? Add Category AA on both sides of the stage, right up close to the stage at the same price as Category A that i paid, at $170. and keep in mind that these were released after most of the fans have already booked their tickets and can't change them because they don't allow upgrading. and Cats C&D were not filled up, and they added Cat AA. the fans there paid the same price as people like me, were 23102840821 times closer to the stage than i ever was, and bought the tickets really late, like during the week of the showcase. how is that fair?

finally the most amazing thing ever. like i mentioned at the start of this long fanaccount, they announced that the doors would open at 6.30 and they only opened it at 8, starting the show at 9.15, literally an hour after the time mentioned. i don't even think it was a full hour, more like 45 minutes. and they didn't tell the fans queueing anything. and the most epic thing- the most recent update was that they cancelled the phototaking for the VIP ticket holders, who were supposed to get an autograph, handshake and photo taken with the boys. they cancelled it right before the autograph session out of nowhere, giving a half-assed answer that they boys have to rush off to malaysia when they're taking the morning flight tomorrow to KL, and with no prior notice. everything was done last minute by Quest, and although i am grateful for them in bringing in JYJ, i hope that such events will not be entrusted to them any longer.

this whole experience with Quest was just disappointing- i expected so much out of them after the Junho showcase earlier this year which was organized really well, and i expected them to do the same with the JYJ showcase. but no, they announced things last minute, made illogical decisions that they knew would incense the fans- and the best thing. right before the showcase, apparently they were giving free tickets to the showcase out to random people. i heard someone behind me in the queue complaining that the person who walked past us got a free cat A ticket from security, which is extremely unprofessional and personally, i feel that it is unethical to charge such ridiculous prices to people who actually pay, and then on the day give the tickets out for free. and the worst thing that I heard from other fans was that those people who got the free tickets weren't even interested in the showcase- they just took the freebies and quite a few of them walked out in the middle of the showcase.

and if their stunt with the media is true that made the boys so unhappy (i'm hoping it's not as bad as the fan made it out to be), they have totally lost my respect. if Quest is in charge of bringing the boys concert next year back to Singapore, i rather them not bring them in at all, if all they do is exploit the fans and give a lousy impression of singapore.

the sound system was also terrible, most of the words of the songs were just blurred together and i heard mainly thumping beats and the bass. i couldn't hear the lyrics clearly, but the boys' voices were good enough for me <3

horrible experiences aside, the boys made it a fantastic showcase, and they really made me proud to be a DBSK fan. but seeing the three of them in person just made the absence of yunho and changmin even more glaring. but as yoochun said, "ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH". it's my motivation for continuing to wait for these boys and to support them in whatever they do. someone online said it very well:

"DBSK is the beginning and the end of my fandom life."

DBSK was definitely not the beginning of my fandom life, i got into them only two years ago, and they won't be the absolute end of my fandom life because i know i'll still dabble in other fandoms. BUT, they will forever be my fandom life and always the ones i go back to, regardless of whether they are separated or together- i love the five of them and i will continue loving them and praying for the day that all five of them stand on the stage together.

edit: Quest posted an official letter of apology on their FB page.
original post: here and my own thoughts: here 

showcase, dbsk, fanaccount, jyj

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