new fic!

Feb 12, 2007 01:11

After not writing anything in forever, I have something new. This is L&O: CI, Barek/Eames. Spoilers, I guess, for 6.01, "Blind Spot." Someone else owns the characters.

Also, do check out onlyjustwhisper's lovely fic "Night for Now," which is a prequel to the events described here.

no foreign sky )

ci, barek/eames

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Comments 22

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omiceti February 12 2007, 21:40:16 UTC
I know you think your words are not enough, but - they are, they are, all of them, and always more than I could ever expect. (And on top of that, you even catch my mistakes!)

Thank you for the strength of your words and of your love, and thank you for making me the luckiest woman - person - ever.


Brilliant anonymous February 13 2007, 01:27:34 UTC
Awesome. Please forgive the anonymous comment - I don't have an account - but have been a long-time reader (lurker). You won't believe how excited I was to see your post.
Stunning story. As ever. Please don't stay away so long next time.


Re: Brilliant omiceti February 13 2007, 03:35:41 UTC
Thank you! Anonymous comments are every bit as welcome as the kind that have names attached, and I'm very glad you took the time to let me know what you thought. I kind of doubted people were still even looking at this, so I'm happy to know that some are.

And thank you for the kind comment. I appreciate it.


mantaraggio February 13 2007, 01:38:17 UTC
Hey, chica. I was just thinking about you the other day. I figured you had disappeared off LJ for good. But no! You came back! With more Barek/Eames. My favorite!. Oh, happy day. As always, a fantastic story. Although I think you're way too good at angst, because now I'm a bit depressed.

You and flying_peanuts make me squee. You guys are so sweet together!


omiceti February 13 2007, 03:53:42 UTC
I didn't disappear, I was just delinquent for a while. But I am, indeed, back, with Barek/Eames! I'm glad you liked the story. I'm curious, though, because I didn't see it as angsty, myself: why did it strike you that way?

flying_peanuts and I make ourselves squee quite a bit, too. Mostly, though, she just makes me happy.

Thank you for the comment!


mantaraggio February 14 2007, 00:53:00 UTC
Oh gosh, you're not offended are you? It's not angsty, not at all!

Okay, well, I think the angsty part, for me, is Eames' inability to open up to Barek, and how she beats herself up for not being able to do so. Also, Barek's feeling of helplessness at her inability to fix Alex. One woman crying in the bathroom, and the other sitting on the other side of the door, not knowing what to do or how to feel? It seems angsty to me. I mean it in the best possible way, I swear!

I'm curious now, too. How do you see the story?


omiceti February 14 2007, 02:27:39 UTC
Oh gosh, you're not offended are you?Not at all! I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. It's really fine to think it's angsty, I was just curious about why you thought that way. I like to leave room for interpretation when I write, but I get curious about why people read things as they do ( ... )


packtnredy8466 February 16 2007, 20:26:04 UTC
Oh, this is so lovely and painful and sad. I like that you didn’t make it easy for them, how Eames is so stubborn and defiant in refusing to accept how fucked up it is what happened to her (her reference to ‘before her bird died,’ ouch)--you write such a good Eames voice, with what she wants to say and what she actually says and what she means--and how Barek understands and is trying but it isn’t quite enough. (Barek! I could go on and on but I’ll spare you.) I also love the details, like Barek’s magazines and why she takes the bridge home, and Alex knowing what/who Barek likes to read, and

you watch the street light outside begin to gather in her eyes until they’re brilliant with it and then the light is dropping out of them,

which is probably one of my favorite images ever. And Barek in the car, hearing the badge number but not being able to do anything, just, god. Yes. You make these women so real, both on their own and in relation to each other, it’s a joy to read. So thanks for this; it’s great to see you writing again.(!)


omiceti February 19 2007, 21:39:12 UTC
Thank you so much for the wonderful comment - I'm always excited when people mention details. These two are fun to write, largely because the show doesn't really tell you anything about them so I can pretty much do whatever I like (I mean, Barek's not even on the show anymore, which is sad, though I think her replacement may actually be a lesbian in canon, so I guess that's kind of fun).

Anyway - thank you for taking the time to let me know what you thought; I'm really glad that it seemed real, especially. I appreciate it!


schizophrenic February 20 2007, 08:04:31 UTC
That was so awesome and thank you for writing CI femslash cause it's always SVU and I love CI so so SO much and Eames/Barek is so hot.

And that was wonderfully written.


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