Dec 14, 2007 23:35
I thought I had far too much time on my hands over these holidays....
But it turns out my friend has more.
I swear, I found this book that I really liked, so I told her about it. I was half-way, slowly working my way through the book when I told her about it. That was.. two days ago?
She told me today that she's finished, + has nothing else to read.
It's a long book, alright? It's not as if I'm just a really slow reader or anything, because I like to think of myself around average. It's literally, you'd have to sit down for about 12 hours in order to finish it - time which I do not really have, because I've filled it up with seeing people who are equally as bored as I am. But, yes, she read it all in two days, and then told me on msn that she hasn't done nothing all week, because she's walked her dog as well.
So, yes. That restored my faith in my small social life - I guess it's just nice to know that you're not the worst-off out of everyone. Ok, that sounds really mean. But, you understand, don't you?
Speaking of which, you know I still haven't read the last Harry Potter book?
Part of the reason is because I wanted to see how long it would take for someone to spoil it for me. But, guess what? I still don't know what happens.
When it first came out, sure, it would've been pretty cruel to tell people what happens - they could just have been a slower reader than you. But, after a while, you sort out the fans from the people that just can't be bothered to read the book, and then the ending becomes fair game, right? It's alright to tell the ending to a person who's had heaps of opportunities to read it for themselves, isn't it?
But, still, no one has told me the ending. Which is pretty shocking, because I had the 4th, 5th and 6th (the rest don't count, because only really inconsequential characters die) books all ruined for me (and by ruined, I mean I found out who died, and who did it, and that sort of crap), so I figured - big news, it's the last book. Surely someone's gonna tell me.
Seriously, it would be nicer to me, too. Because then I don't have to work up the effort to read it. But, I've decided, that if no one tells me by 2008, I'm just gonna read it, because everyone will have well and truly forgotten about it by then.
You guys don't count, by the way. My experiment only includes unknowing people, because otherwise it's an unfair test - you could just be telling me because I want to know, as opposed to someone to telling an 'unwilling' person what the end of the book is. So, yes. Try and refrain from telling me?
The other reason I don't want to read the book is that I don't like the idea of Harry and Ginny going out. I mean, Ginny's love is an infatuation, isn't it? In the 2nd book, she could barely talk to Harry because he was so 'cool' and because he was Harry Potter. I think that she's like those people that try and date celebrities because they're cool and handsome, and have lots of money. As you can probably tell, I don't really like Ginny that much...
So, yes, I would much prefer to live in my delusional world where Harry sees Ginny for what she really is, and dumps her. I do not want to read the book and find out they, y'know, get married or something. Because I think that the person who saves the world deserves to have someone that loves him...
But maybe that's just me xD
And I think I'm thinking far too deeply about Harry Potter. It's a children's book, for gods sake...
I was also thinking, today. My journal is pretty much all about me, which I think is acceptable for a journal, but you go around lj and there's people with all these interesting things written about stuff other than themselves. And that makes me feel a little inadequate, because all my journal entries contain is information on stuff like what TV shows I've watched, or which of my friends I've spoken to. But, also, as has been said to me on many occasions, by countless different English teachers, the best writing is when you write about what you know - when you write about things that you care about, and that you have experienced. So, surely, the fact that I am writing about something that I know a lot about (myself) is actually a good thing...
But, yes, from now on I am going to make a conscious effort to write about things other than my life, and what I did on a certain day...
Stay tuned for all that and more on another exciting installment of 'A Day in the Life of a Random Stranger'!
harry potter,