[mod post] Calling All Betas!

May 12, 2014 12:19

Okay folks. We are now in the part of the spn-j2-bigbang challenge where you need to have a beta! So, we are calling all writers and betas to come pair up and help each other out! Artists and art betas you are absolutely welcome to post beta requests here too!

(Okay, artists, you technically are not required to have a beta, but you may want one.)

For writers, the fic you post absolutely must be beta'd. Earlier in the season we posted our beta resources post here. You can still use that, and by all means do use that.

However, given the relative time crunch and the reality that I know at least some of you are still looking for betas, consider this your beta free-for-all. The good news is now that the reveal post is up and stories have been claimed, feel free to point people to your summary as posted on spn-j2-bigbang for more information about your fic, warnings, etc. Or post that information in the comment under a spoiler tag.

Here's how to do a spoiler tag (copied from LJ's FAQ page): "Type < lj-spoiler title="Link to spoiler"> before the text you want to hide, replacing "Link to spoiler" with the word or phrase the viewer will click to see the hidden text. If you want to start showing text again, type < /lj-spoiler> after the last of the text you want hidden." NB: you will also need to remove the space between the "<" bracket and the rest of the tag for it to work properly. If you use a rich text editor, you can also click on the "insert spoiler" button at the top of the posting window.

Without further ado, to find a beta, comment on this post with the following:

1) Username
2) Fic type (e.g., SPN Gen, J2 RPS, J2 RPF, Sam/Dean, Dean/Cas, SPN Rare pair, RPS Other)
3) Fic length (either your current fic length or the estimated final fic length if you believe your fic will get significantly longer)
4) Info about my fic (put info under a spoiler tag or provide your spn-j2-bigbang claiming number (e.g., SPN Gen 15)
5) What kind of beta you need (e.g., SPAG (spelling and grammar), proof reading, help with plot holes/continuity, etc.).

Betas - this can include writers and artists who know they have the time to beta, but please do not spread yourself too thin - if you see a story you want to beta, then reply to the comment or PM the commenter.

Writers, if you find a beta, please reply to your original comment with "beta found!" so folks know to offer their services to other writers in need.

Artists and art betas, feel free to use the format above and modify it to your needs.

omghelpz!, epic panicking flail!, grrr argh, betas, practical assistance, 2014, mod post

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