[mod post] Weekly Check-in and Editing Challenge #1

May 12, 2014 10:13

Greetings omgspnbigbangers! It's go time for everyone! Fics are all claimed; artists all have their assignments; and the reveal post is up over at spn-j2-bigbang. A reminder to writers, your drafts are due to your artists tomorrow, so writers and artists, reach out to each other and get in touch if you haven't already.

Don't worry if your draft is a complete mess. All you're trying to do at this point is give your artist an idea to get started with. You are totally allowed to send updates later on as your draft gets more complete.

Once again, this is your check-in post. Let us know how you're doing. If you wanna squee and jump with excitement, go ahead. If you're totally freaking out and need help, you can ask for it here.

Now, without further ado, here are the details of our first Editing Challenge!

Editing Challenge #1:

What? A challenge to get you editing, no matter what stage of the game you're at.

Track 1: This track is for folks who are doing editing that doesn't involve much in the way of rewrites. You may be farther along in the editing process, trading drafts back and forth with your beta, taking a proverbial red pen to your fic and cutting out all the unnecessary words, or working primarily on proofreading.

Track 1 Rules:

- Post a comment to let us know you're participating (e.g., paleogymnast, Track 1)
- Between now and May 31, edit as much as you can. You get credit for every scene, part, or chapter you edit (you pick whether you're using scenes, parts, or chapters based on how your fic is organized).
- On May 31, respond to the victory post. Everyone who's edited at least 2 complete scenes parts and chapters wins. Everyone who gets through their entire fic gets special recognition! Got it?

Track #2: This track is for writers who need/want/plan to do a lot of rewrites. Maybe that's just your editing style, maybe you slapped an ending on your fic for the May 1 draft and you hate it and really need to fix it up. Maybe you know you have a big plothole to go back and fix. Maybe you're trying to flesh out a lot of scenes you kind of glossed over. Maybe you're adding a new subplot, more sex scenes, or completely revamping your dialogue. You know who you are. As much as editing you're doing a lot of new writing at this point, and you need help getting it done!

Track #2 Rules:

- Post a comment here with your username and track number, and your goal (e.g., paleogymnast, Track 2, 10,000)
- Pick your goal. Maybe you need to write about 1000 new words. Maybe you need to write 20,000 new words. Give it your best guess.
- On May 31 respond to the victory post everyone who meets their goal wins. Folks who finish all rewrites for their fic get special recognition. The person who writes the most words gets a gold star!
- Finjsh early? Feel free to post a celebration post and start on track 1. Just report your results from both parts of the challenge on May 31!

Any questions? Ask them in the comments! Happy editing everyone!

editing challenge, challenge, status, 2014, mod post

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