Dec 05, 2003 20:17
So how ridiculous am I? this was what I did all day...
Around 10:00 or 10:30 I decided ok I am going to pop in Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the ring to see what all the hoopla was about with Sam and this it was 3 hours so it wasn't over til like 1:30..well I decided to watch it again but I first went to shower, and do the dishes so then me and Joey sat down and watched that so then that didn't end til about 4:30 and then we watched the extra DVD about the making of the movie and special features..I would say we weren't finished totally til about 6pm lol fun huh?!?! I have no complaints, and then my aunt called and I spoke to her, she also is in love with LOTR AND LEGOLAS!!!!! omg he's so hot something about those ears man lol..No but seriously I dont understand why I never wanted to see this, besides the fact I really never saw the previews cause I rarely watched t.v at the time it came out, but I love elvs, fantasy, dwarfs, magic things like that and fairies, dragons, swords, horses, the whole bit..whenever I watch something like that it traps me in my own lil fantasy world and I love it!! so anyway I BEGGED my mom to go rent the second one or buy it since we have the first one anyway but no she didn't wanna leave, I felt like crying cuz I wanted to see it sooooo bad so then I went next door like a half hour ago asking for vick's and so Kathy gave me some for Joey(hes got a fever and congested the whole 9) and I was talking to Mike (Annie's b/f) and the plan is were going to play scategories and watch LOTR:The Two Towers..wooooohoooooooo I am soooo happy..oh yea Sam my aunt said you have to fight her for Legolas since she saw him first lol..
so umm yea have a good night, I'll probably be getting high since I feel a lil better :)