hellooooooooooooooooo livejournal!

Mar 29, 2006 14:51

i can remember times in the past years where I would get on livejournal, and have so many friends that had updated their livejournals, I couldn't read them all in one sitting. i check my livejournal once or twice a week now (maybe) and it's still the same entries that were there the time before. and we all have myspace to thank for this. i felt sorry for my livejournal and decided to update it. i am sorry for neglecting you, lj. i still love you.

i know i have probably the most boring life ever, because seriously nothing has happened to me since the last time i updated (november). i'm still working for the h.t. hackney co., i still live in loudon, i still hate peas. nothing new at all guys, so you three people who still read livejournal haven't missed anything.

i actually take that back. something new DID happen to me.. my aunt had a baby. anna belle lee. she is a beautiful, drooling, fat ball of joy and she is the most precious thing on earth. as soon as i can get some pictures on my computer at work, i will post some.

ben folds is playing fiji island (ut frat shit) on april 28th. yesssssss. i <3 you, ben. thank you for coming to our wonderful city.

my sister, niece and nephew have been in town this week. they found this place in townsend that has cabins with no nightly minimum for really cheap. i think me and cody are going to try to stay there in a few weeks or so. we all went to the tomato head last night, and earlier before lexie kept calling it the 'tater head'. too cute.

okay, so i guess i didn't have as much to say as i thought.. i'm sorry, i can't resist.


i'm sorry livejournal!
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