
Jul 05, 2009 19:23

Well, I've spent about 4.5 hours total either in the gym or playing squash this weekend. I really want to get buff.

I've started doing a bit more stuff with free weights, including trying some squats (although only with 30Kg just to get my technique down). I did manage to max out at 127.5 on the seated leg-press machine, which I was pretty pleased with, and also ran 2Km in under 10 minutes, rowed 4km in 18:32, and just generally got a bloody good workout in.

I feel fitter than I used to from playing squash, and I think I've lost some fat, but I still seem to be at the same weight - just over 12st (169lbs), although that was with shoes on and after having drunk 2L of water in the gym. I could probably stand to lose about 15lbs of fat, but I've actually started the ball rolling to sort out a proper gym membership now, rather than just paying each time I go. I think I'm going to aim for 2 gym sessions and 1 squash game per week to start with. I may do more, but I want that to be the minimum. I seem to be able to do about 1:45 in the gym before I'm wrecked, so all in all that should add up to about 3:15 of exercise per week, which'll include a mix of weights and cardio.

Give it a couple of months and I'll be able to quit my job and start modelling underwear for a living.

Current weight: 77.0Kg.
BMI: 24
12.5% body fat (Apparently. I think it's more.)
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