
Dec 08, 2008 09:29

Why not, eh?

1. You have $10 and need to buy stuff at a gas station; what do you buy?
Well it rather depends on what stuff I need to buy. This question is flawed.
That said, I would buy a cheese and onion sandwich, some flaming hot monster munch and a double decker bar.

2. If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea dwelling creature, what would you be?
A giant squid.

3. Who's your favorite redhead?
Mila Jovovic in films where she's a red head.

4. What do you order when you're at a pancake house?
Not that I've ever been to a pancake house, but I'd order blueberry pancakes with whipped cream.

5. Do you own any... naughty toys?

7. Describe your favorite pair of underwear.
I have a pair with red and pink hearts on that was a gift, they fit really well.

8. Describe the last time you were injured.
I was lifting stuff at work, helping out the painter. To get bits of conservatory into the paint shop they have hooks screwed into them and they're hooked from the ceiling, so you have to lift stuff overhead. I don't know quite how I did it because it didn't hurt til the next day, but I pulled something really badly in my neck, and had to have about a week off work.

9. How many people have seen you naked?
In a private setting, I think it's 7 or 8.

10. Are there any odd things that make you feel uncomfortable?
Moths. I'm not scared of them as such, they just weird me out, leaving all those silvery little hairs on stuff when they land. I always forget to close my window at night too so they always fly into my room and buzz around the light bulb.

11. Tell me a weird story from your high school years.
We used to have this drama teacher who was always drunk, and often perving on the girls in my class (when we were about 14). One time we were working on some group plays or something, can't quite remember, anyway, he told us what we were supposed to be doing, then told us to go away and discuss it. 2 minutes later he starts shouting at the class, telling us that we were talking too much, when really we were just doing as he'd told us. Some people answered him back, quite rightly, and he then told us he wanted the entire class back at lunch time for a detention. In the end some people took the matter to the head mistress and explained what had happened, and she overturned his decision. I think she knew he was drunk all the time.

12. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?
It's actually just one of the default ones, I haven't had my phone for too long.

13. Soda?

14. Flavor of pudding?

15. What type of shirt are you wearing?
Plain black long sleeve top.

16. Prescription medication?
None... what is this, some kind of insurance form?

17. If you could use only one form of transportation for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Jet pack.

18. If you could bring a loved one back from the dead, but they wouldn't remember you, would you do it?
Nah, to be honest there's nobody significant in my life that's died, apart from grand parents, and that's just what happens - they had a good run at life. If there was anybody close to me who died before their time, then I might have to reconsider.

19. Is it fun to drive on curvy roads?
Yes, but it's not always fun to be driven on curvy roads.

20. What are you listening to right now?
The sound of the keyboard clicking away, and the humming motor of a refrigerator.

21. Most recent movie you watched?
Bender's Game, the third futurama movie, with Kay and Jen.

22. Name 3 things you have on you at all times
Wallet, phone, glasses.

23. Would you rather give or receive a foot massage?
Receive. Not that I mind giving them, but it's pretty obvious which should be more pleasant.

24. Name a teacher you had the hots for?
Miss Mann was pretty hot, I seem to remember, but she was only at my high school for a year after I started there, and she never taught me.

25. What is a saying that you use a lot?
Fair enough.

27. What is your favorite part of the chicken?
The brain.

28. What's your favorite town?
Can't say I really have one. There are some cities I like.

29. How did you end your last relationship?
My girlfriend did. It was shitty at the time but I realise now that it's a good thing she did, as I should have ended it months before and I was putting up with crap I shouldn't have been.

30. What's the first word that comes to mind right now?

31. When was the last time you saw your mom in person?
2 weeks ago.

32. What makes you feel like puking?
Nasty smells, like mouldy stuff. I don't mind looking at whatever but I have a really low tolerance for nasty smells.

33. Who got you to join livejournal?
I can't quite remember, it was a long time ago.

34. What did you have for dinner LAST NIGHT?
Cheese and basil pasta with spicy chipotle sauce.

35. How long have you been at your current job?
About 6 months.

37. What's the last thing you said out loud?
"Is it a big branch?"

38. Look to your left, what do you see?
Kay and Jen's kitchen.

39. What is the last thing/person you spent over $100 on?
A pair of skis. Pretty cool answer eh?

40. Who's your favorite villain?
Bastard Man -

41. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
My brother's coat when I had to go out on site in the pouring rain.

42. What's the last piece of clothing you bought?
I think it may have been non-marking shoes to play squash.

43. What phrase makes you laugh no matter where, when or how?
There aren't any really, I have a good sense of humour but I don't think there's anything that would make me laugh in any situation. The phrase "You magnificent bastard" usually brings a smile to my face though, it just says so much with just 3 words.

44. What website do you visit the most during the day?

45. Go into your text message log on your phone. who sent you the last text in your inbox?

46. What's one piece of advice that you think should be passed on to every child?
You have to work hard to get stuff that you want in life. Parents these days don't seem to be telling their kids this, leading to a massive sense of entitlement and selfishness. I think if everybody taught their kids this, we'd have a much more productive and equal society.
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