Might be a little bit drunk.

Aug 24, 2008 00:09

Ok I *am* a little bit drunk. had a good night. Been out with John and some other friends to the pub, played my first ever game of billiards(which is awesome) and bumpedc into two people who I went to school with. One I went to school with starting when I was 11 - a guy who is now married (wtf?) and a girl I used to sit next to in maths and flirt with, who is now SMOKING hot.

God damn.

I don't even really know why I'm posting.

Oh well.

Notable topics of conversation tonight included:

Weightlifters + rectal prolapse.
The difference between midgets and dwarves.
Why we need to invent a more offensive swear word than "cunt".

All in all, a good night.
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