(no subject)

Apr 07, 2011 16:35

For some run of the mill angst:

I've had an allergic reaction to something, probably this makeup I tried. It's flared up three times, I've got a refund and touch wood I have been flare up free for a couple of weeks.

BUT now my skin is incredibly dry. Flakey. Revolting. I'm avoiding makeup as much as possible, even stuff I'm pretty sure is safe.

But flakey is fucking gross and is a bit of a self-esteem killer.

In self-esteem win news, since I've been living out of home, I've been convinced I've gained weight like woah. I just weighed myself (wearing heavy-ish clothes, after lunch as opposed to usual Best Case Scenario circumstances) and the worst case scenario is about 4kg. I feel like if I best cased it, it'd be a couple, max.

So I'm going to be a man and try on my size 10 jeans again.
Wish me luck.

bodybodybody, rants

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