Morning - > 754 Partridge Drive
Kami-sama please come out of your room!
[ Elsie had no luck trying to get Keima out of his room so far, he seemed really out of it now that he lacked his games but, maybe fresh air and a change of pace would be good for him?]
I made breakfast if you want to eat, it's on the table.
[ She sighed, there was no point on
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...Um, hey there, pal. You okay? You look a little lost.
Well, I wouldn't say any of the food in here is THAT bad, but you do have to be careful on some of the brands from Mayfield they provide.
Huh, though I guess some could consider this place to be a bit of a hell in a way so those brands might be what you're thinking of. Still, you don't want to use those things, they can be dangerous or even deadly.
[Gumshoe points to a nearby aisle.]
But the curry powder is over there if you want to make that. Any specific kind or other ingredients you're looking for?
Um lets see, for curry you need vegetables and rice!
The best thing to do is try not to take anything they're practically handing you for free. If it seems too good to be true, well, then it usually is.
But don't worry, you'll recognize what I mean when it happens, for now let's just get what you need!
[Gumshoe motions to follow him as he heads to another aisle.]
The rice is kept over here and after that we can go pick out what vegetables you want.
[Elsie follows him in to the other aisle]
Thank you! Lets see, I need to make enough for Kami-sama me and who ever else is in the house. [ She grabs a bag that looks big enough to last a few days, seeing as she needs to make lunch for school to]
Anyway, the vegetables are near the front, think you're okay now or is there anything else you need help with?
Ah I never did give you my name did I? I'm Elsie! it was nice to meet you.
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