Capture (2)

May 29, 2011 11:36

Morning - > 754 Partridge Drive

Kami-sama please come out of your room!

[ Elsie had no luck trying to get Keima out of his room so far, he seemed really out of it now that he lacked his games but, maybe fresh air and a change of pace would be good for him?]

I made breakfast if you want to eat, it's on the table.

[ She sighed, there was no point on camping outside his door again, if he wanted to come outside he would but, what was there to do in there now that they were stuck here with out any modern technology? ]


A. Park

[ The little demon decided to go out and walk around the park for a little bit. Just like any other normal day for her really ]

B. Store

[ Elsie wanted to cook something that would make Keima happy, but he didn't like sweets so what else could she make? None of these foods at the store seemed like they could be used for cooking compared to food from hell. Someone help the poor girl before she gets to confused ]

shopping, and no one ate dinner that night, elsie, normal day, actions, kami-sama!

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