Happy New Year and last sketches of 2010!

Jan 01, 2011 04:11

Happy New Year, everybody! It's ironic that I start this year posting old sketches, but oh well.

I don't know about you but Santa Claus Coming To Town always managed to creep me out. "He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake..." We've got enough of everyday paranoia without adding the fat guy with a bag climbing chimneys in the middle of the night. That and Keener's skeptical attitude towards Christmas (what do you expect of the man who always gets baskets of soap as presents?) made this picture come to life.

Another one is a sketch that I hope to maybe rework into fully rendered picture later on -

I think there is one thing everyone seems to forget during busy Christmas days. Not everyone is happy on Christmas holidays. There are people who are lonely, people who have troubles that big it overwhelms them, people who are just not happy. Suicide rates shoot up during Christmas holidays. And it really sucks to be the only unhappy guy when everyone around you is full of cheer. Since Trivially True was always about minorities and deviants I thought I could do something to represent... I dunno, the message that "you're not the only one who's feeling like that". I've been there! I know how much it sucks. I have no guarantees another year won't be like that.

Do you find it too depressing? Will I'll get my portion of vegetables thrown in my face if I try to make a big picture like that? What do you think about it all? I'd hate to be the Grinch here but it was something I felt I had to say. And yeah, since there is a chance I make a big picture like that critique on composition is extra welcome.

A sketch of Ray for the new Christmas card -

And more Ray-

And Chris -

Speaking of Chris...

This picture illustrates a very famous story. A well-known scientist once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the center of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?" "You're very clever, young man, very clever", said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way down!"

Aliens appear in my story, and at the same time they do not. It's never clarified if they are real or not. I like to believe we are not alone in the universe, but I also find it unlikely that alien life is that similar to ours or that they simply can't live without abducting some poor unfortunate bastard and anal-probing them. At the same time, I find the idea of aliens fascinating just as an urban myth - what makes people believe they were abducted? Why is the idea of aliens more comfortable for some people (including myself) than the idea of God (though these two ideas don't necessarily contradict each other)? It's just so much to ponder about, I just can't brush it aside as blubber.

This picture sort of sums up 2010 for me, though only people who know me personally can understand this why am I even saying it aaaah.

Here are some sketches of Keener's psychiatrist and her assistant -

The assistant's name is Jennifer Hildenberg and she is the only one of the psychiatry gaggle who is a sort of a positive character in the story. She ends up being a sort of frienemy for Keener.

And a finished picture of them -

I'd like to finish this post with a sketch of McFael I did yesterday - inspired by Ronan Sherlock and his step dance band. Why yes, McFael is Irish and he has them dance mooooooves!

I probably should do some kind of end of year summary but I'll do it tomorrow and for now this will do.

Oh, and I got a card from nanook123! Thanks so much! :D

pascal b. winford, keener, art, amy theoren, mcfael, ray tarde, chris buckland, sketch, trivially true

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