I often forget posting sketches here, so obviously the best way to keep up with everything would be checking
my DA gallery if you want to see the full picture, but I decided to upload some of the doodles I did this summer.
People like Norton are the reason the option "Maybe" scores unusually high numbers in most polls where it's available.
Remember the days when it got obnoxiously hot? (Honestly, I prefer rain.) I think McFael is one of those people who can walk around with only trunks on when it gets that hot and not mind about anyone, but some self-conscious people are another story...
When Norton is upset and planeless, he goes and flies an imaginary plane. Much to Fred's irritation.
Keener's way of valuing classics.
I have no idea.
Helpers has a hobby. It's photography. Except he doesn't care much about technical or artistic aspects of it, he thinks as long as you buy a high-end camera, upgrade it regularly and take a lot of photos of friends, relatives and anything that moves, you're a photographer. Pff.
This is Ray Tarde. He's as old character as Fred (and important in the story too), but I wasn't uploading any pictures of him because I was rewriting some stuff and wasn't quite sure what to do with him. But now I know! :]
Does anyone of the readers know what is common between a female scientist and a guinea pig?.. (It's a very lame joke!)
Ray again.
And Winford.
I guess it pretty much sums up this summer.
Again, if you want to see some sketches I didn't include, head over
here. I'll try to update it here more often from now on, but it's faster to upload stuff like this on DA. :P