Hello, Mr. Fandorin

Sep 22, 2009 02:28

Some illustrations from the last semester I forgot to upload back then.

The book was The Winter Queen by Boris Akunin (who is one of my favorite authors for a long time and whose books I really recommend if you like history and crime novels). It's like Sherlock Holmes, only in Russia. Anyway, behind the cut!

I could draw only exterior layouts for this assignment. All of these were based on real places in Moscow (I was both walking there and looking at 19th century photographs), but I didn't get them accurate enough, I'm afraid.

To tell the truth, I'm not too happy with the results (even though I got an A and the teacher called them "remarkable", which is a big word coming from him). I mean, I always find things I should work on, but... This is not how I see the book in my head. Of course, the assignment put some restrictions too (like no color and ridiculous timeline), but I'd like to give it another run on my own (not as a school assignment) sometime.

I also did some lithography on the theme, but they are impossible to scan and I don't like my lithography prints enough to put them up (honestly? it looks nearly the same as regular inks only take four times as much time and effort).

Funny thing, now my illustration teacher pronounced me qualified to illustrate crime mysteries. I guess he's expecting me to illustrate something of the sort for my thesis project... heck no if I can help it. I have a much better idea. You'll see soon!

Oh, and I just finished something big earlier today (aw aw my wrist hurts so much because of it) but I'm not going to upload it right now, har har. Have a good day!

uni, art, illustration, books

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