Title: The Fast Track Date posted: 11-21-06 Fandom: Alias Disclaimer: Not mine. Spoilers: Up to Season Three. Notes: Written for superswank, who requested "A midnight train to an exotic locale and the aliases 'Nathan and Nancy Parks.'" And... I'm sorry it's taken me forever!
Title: Careful What You're Giving Date posted: 11-16-06 Fandom: Alias Disclaimer: Not mine. Spoilers: Up to the end of season one. Old school, y'all. Notes: For alias500's challenge friends and/or lovers. Title from Depeche Mode's Dream On
Title: Delicate Date posted: --- Fandom: Alias Disclaimer: I totally did not marry Vaughn off to Lauren. Spoilers: Season Three. Notes: "When there's nothing to give, then how can we ask for more?"