Aug 31, 2005 22:40
im kinda bored so im thinkin im gunna update this thing...ok lets see. yeasterday i dindt do nehtin really except ahng w/ the cou8sins which was fun....then today iwent 2 school YAY, pat was thr and it made me happy...then i went 2 kevins w/ raime(sry boutt he spellin) and lynz and we helped move kevin in which was awesome because we are fuckin amazin...we did an impossible move w/ a couch into kev's room that was fuckin amazin....and yeah then we cleaned his room and went 2 wendy's...i was gunna say a lot more but im thinkin im not because carolyn is stoppin ill b nice 4 now...tomorrow im goin 2 school then 2 ty's then 2 the THS dance w/ lynz 2 look over kevin and ramie...yeah should b a good time u all should go...ok im done ill talk 2 all o u later