Aug 27, 2005 22:19
havent for a while...sry...ok lets see, on wednesday i hung around the house and at night i hung out w/ alex and we went swimin at my house then out for cookies and icecream, and to visit brett...then on thursday i spent a lot o the day procrastonatin...lynz came over for a lil while and distracted me form my paper...then we went to ty's party, which was fun as usual...friday was school, it actually wasnt all that bad, senoir orentation was relativly painless...then a buch o us went 2 lunch then went bk and did senoir leadership...i got the pleasure of talkin 2 like 7 groups o freshman on and justin Kammer...and then later me and brendon basicly said not 2 b gay, join the ski team, and dont date senoir guys...sry fellas....then i had youth was sooooo sad kt is leavin for college on friday=<...but we had a good time...supposivly were goin 2 UNH on monday...and hopefuly later in the yr ill drive down thr and spend an afternoon or summin w. her...ok that brings us 2 2day..i worked and voulnteered as was the last saturday of voulinteerin but im gunna stick w/ the sundays because i dn i guess i ahve a good time and i like the people...i met one of my old friends mike richards there...and also jenna is a really cool kid...ok thats it for me, im done for the night got work in the am tomorrow and then voulnteerin til 8 my cellular if u wanna do nethin...miss u all