Apr 23, 2005 21:47

Well, it seems the time has finally come. No, not the long awaited world-wide revolution where workers of the world unite, in equality and solidarity, to overthrow the evil capitalists and live in Thomas Moore's utopia for the rest of humanity's existence. (I got excited too) But it turns out it's just high time for Catherine to update this LiveJournal of hers.

(Whee..long sentences and bad grammar. I'll stop with that now.)


Saturdays are awesome. Not sure about Sundays though. I fear tomorrow will be rather banal in comparison to today. Teaching little kids how to swim for two hours and then watching Star Wars after that isn't really my idea of fun. Well, maybe it will be, but my outlook of tomorrow isn't too bright right now.

Overall, the holidays have been great. Well, all holidays are, really. A chance to just get away from school, and manage to get something productive done. And not really wanting to burst this perfect bubble I'm living in right now, I have to note that school starts in four days.

Whenever I talk to people from school, on MSN, etc, they keep telling me of various assignments due in the first fortnight of school. I really hate it when they do that. It contradicts with my priorities, and values. I value making my life as full as possible rather than 20/20 essays, and to hear them banter on about work does my head in sometimes. I sometimes wish I were more competitive and focused over school work like them, and maybe that would help me fit into school more. I know I've got the image toned down to perfection, and the stoic personality, but to actually apply myself to something I don't see deserving is really a hard thing to do.

God, I'm really not making sense here.
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