Jun 04, 2008 17:07
har har har.
*squeals slightly*
I am a writer. A poet. A novelist. An author even.
And it's pretty damn cool I can finally say that about myself without feeling so snobby. Young Adult books, for shizzle. I love young adult books, I've come to decide. Fuck those real adult books with actual history and stuff (Except for the Outlander series...omg yess I would totally do Ian even if he has freaky tattoos on his face LMFAO does anybody know what i'm taking about? christ. hahahaha)
I love vampire books. maybe that's why I'm writing one. Yes...I've caved. I bought the first Twilight series. And yes...it's amazing. fuck! hahah.
but Bluebloods totally AND COMPLETELY tops it I think. Jack Force > Edward Cullen. HAHAHA, I will get shanked for saying that I swear.
Anyway, this is just me bitching and ranting but at the same time I'm effing stoked because not only do I have the Twilight book, Jess brought me a SHITTON of other Vampire books (including one that is called VAMPIRATES. COULD I BE ANY MORE EXCITED ABOUT THAT FUCKING SHIT?! I FUCKING THINK NOT! FUCK!!! XD) that will keep me entertained for this week. haha.