Тесты раз

Oct 03, 2020 22:44

Разобрала папки - убрала далеко школьный аттестат и языковые курсы. Оставила в отдельном файле текущий контракт и рекомендации с трех прошлых мест работы. Выложила на комод все бумажные результаты тестов и ассессментов.

Два теста RIAESEC - традиционный-артистичный, третьим исследовательский или реалистичный.
UPD: третий такой же традиционный-артистичный https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip
Эдгар Шейн: Стабильность - места работы и жительства, служение, баланс, профессиональная компетентность-автономия и вызов на одинаковом уровне.
MAPP - прочитаю наутро на свежую голову:
Olga is conscious of existence, meaning, purpose, potential and destiny of humankind, people, and self. Olga is motivated by a self-felt, self-accepted calling to the cause of good, growth, and gain in the lives of others. Influential communication of ideas is a primary way of achieving those objectives. Perception and thinking tend to be holistic and conceptual; i.e., seeing the big picture. It is important to see which of the other traits are interactive with this trait because there can be many interesting combinations. This is a major trait in cultural, intellectual, academic, and creative activities. It includes ideas, concepts, theory, ethics, and values.
has a curiosity and awareness about the nature and utility of things. Analysis and experimentation are part
enjoys social or vocational interaction with others but is not dependent on direct contact and association.
enjoys associating and interacting with people but likes independence as well. So the activity, rather than people
is motivated to work on projects that are planned, scheduled, and completed.
Along with other mental activities, Olga is aware of abstract ideas and concepts.
Olga has a strong preference to work under the management or supervision of others who are competent and knowledgeable in their area of expertise. This also may indicate a preference to avoid work of an independent nature (i.e. self-directed, self-planned, self-managed). Performance, morale, energy, enthusiasm, and quality of work tend to reflect how satisfied Olga is with the working environment as created and managed by the motivational and inspirational leadership of a manager, director, supervisor, or lead-person.
Olga is moderately motivated to manage others on a social or organizational basis
Olga's preferences can include routine, organized, and methodical procedures, but this is not a need or dependency.
Olga has little need for or is not motivated by recognition, status, or competitive gain.
sees self as talented, self-sufficient, and goal-oriented.
accepts and exercises responsibility for organizational management but may not necessarily seek out that role for self

Olga readily adapts to change and may even be stimulated by it or motivated because of it. But it is not so important
Olga has good ability to remember, find, and use exact detail.
Olga's preferences and motivations are derived from understanding the deeper or 'real' meaning of ideas and words and uses them effectively in written or oral communication. Literary in this factor means intentional search for ideas expressed by the minds of others for one's own use, assimilation, learning, etc. The source can be books, other publications, historical documents, research information, drama, movies, television, the "information highway" or internet, etc. Emphasis is on communication: picking up information from minds of others or communication aimed toward the minds of others. Journalism and writing are major activities. Literary activity is not exclusively intellectual, academic, or cultural. It may be an end in itself as in a bookworm for instance. And literary activity is not always accompanied by communicative activity, written or oral. On the other hand, communicative activity need not be literary in the classic sense. And one need not be persuasive to be communicative, but it helps. When the trait is highly motivated, as it is here, it suggests both literary and communicative abilities that are or could become a usable skill or a developed talent.
Olga feels both privilege and responsibility to use communication (including persuasion) to voluntarily provide beneficial information to others. This includes strongly motivated benevolent and literary traits. Self-satisfaction comes almost exclusively from the subjective realization that the information, voluntarily given, has been helpful to other persons. Olga is further motivated to learn and understand the other person(s) needs wishes and listening preferences. Non-persuasive service communication can become persuasive and persistent when expressed in the interest of someone needing Olga to stand up for them.

Compiling means more than simply gathering large volumes of data sheets and stuffing them in a filing cabinet. It means that Olga is motivated to find, identify, classify, store, remember, and retrieve what is important or what might be important for future use. (NOTE: This is crucial for researchers, technical writers, lawyers, academic teachers, consultants, systems engineers, and programmers). This trait indicates a subconscious preference we could refer to as a "packrat" orientation, i.e., if it glitters; stuff it in the nest along with everything else because it might be useful sometime. Other traits will indicate how motivated the individual is to be thorough, practical, and efficient within this trait.
Olga is naturally motivated to use and apply rational formulas, rules, systems, and/or procedures to deal with concrete variables where only limited instructions or guidelines exist. Emphasis here is on solving operational or administrative PROBLEMS that develop in familiar areas. This is commonly known as 'troubleshooting' and Olga has a natural preference for the mental procedure of doing so. Motivation is derived from a goal of getting the "train back on the track".
Olga has a moderate motivation where business math related to commercial calculations and transactions are called for. This means there exists a natural ability to be competent and accurate with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Career fitter:
When you are working within a career or job that compliments your work personality, your commitment to productivity and accountability are strengths that drive your success.
Your work personality has strong leadership potential and often advances to upper management positions. You also have high respect for the chain of command.
You prefer to be thorough, well prepared, well organized, and you put an emphasis on completing projects on time. Your superiors quickly learn you can be counted on to meet your commitments and deadlines.
You are very dedicated to completing assigned tasks. You are good at conquering detail-oriented tasks and materials others often find challenging.
You are known for working hard and being self-driven. An expression that fits you is “if you want something done right, you do it yourself”.
You seek precision and accuracy. Your colleagues often describe you as logical and dependable.
You also perform better when you are given more work independence and sufficient time to work alone.
Your Optimal Work Environment
- Provides you the opportunity to advance to positions of upper management
- Allows you the freedom to create a specific action plan to guide your projects
- Gives you the tools to support your desire to be well-organized
- Creates a peaceful setting that is still conducive to being highly productive
- Allows you to frequently work independently

Менеджмент организации. Юрист. Экономист. Маркетолог. Продавец-консультант. Аналитик. Логист. Менеджер по персоналу. Писатель. Исследователь. Образование.
По Климову: Человек-техника, человек-художественный образ. Кажется, я делала именно этот тест в выпускных классах.
Еще один тест тоже про искусство вещает. А что искусство? Красивый код - это оно? Или выкладка международного инвойса?

A practical, self-reliant, transformative organizer

Your highest purpose involves order and organization. Below are some phrases that may give you more clarity. Pick and choose different words and create your own purpose or vision statement.
  • To preserve the structure of something I feel strongly about
  • To change the structure of something I feel strongly about
  • To help others organise their lives so they can reach their dreams
  • To bring ideas and concepts into form
  • To build, organize and plan a large project
  • To create the right action in the right way at the right time
  • To restore order out of chaos
  • To bring spirit into matter and to manifest new ways and ideas
  • To work with sacred objects and universal design
  • To develop new ways of restoring order and of doing things
  • To be a magician and make miracles happen
  • To manifest the beauty and order of life
  • To understand the cycles and rhythm of things and people
  • To work with groups and group consciousness
  • To understand the spirit behind matter and the matter of spirit
  • To be a master of group dynamics and interaction


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