to me, clark kent in a phone booth and houdini in a packing crate, they were one and the same thing

Mar 20, 2012 01:02

Mi abuela diría que este es el clásico ejemplo de culo veo, culo quiero. Anyway, el meme de los libros: doce extractos de doce libros random, tenéis que adivinar cuáles son y de quién, si podéis. San Google está prohibido por razones obvias. El que acierte se lleva galletitas virtuales, or some such.

(No son random porque he cogido libros con personajes a los que quiero con la fuerza de mil soles. No a todos, exactamente, pero sí a la mayoría.)

1. Siempre imaginé que la crónica de mi vida, si acaso alguna vez llegaba a escribirla, tendría una primera frase excelente: algo lírico, como «Lolita, luz de mi vida, fuego de mis entrañas», de Nabokov; y, si no me salía nada lírico, algo arrollador, como «Todas las familias felices se asemejan, pero cada familia desdichada es desdichada a su manera», de Tólstoi. La gente recuerda estas palabras incluso cuando ya ha olvidado todo lo demás que hay en el libro.
(Firmin, de Sam Savage; joanne_distte)

2. He had found a Nutri-Matic machine which had provided him with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.
(The Hitchhinker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams)

3. New York scares Salim, and so he clutches his sample case protectively with both hands, holding it to his chest.
(American Gods, de Neil Gaiman; insideblue & aphrodreams)

4. Sometimes, Louis dreams of the Burning Man. He comes when the night is at his deepest, when even the sounds of the city have faded, descending from a symphonic crescendo to muted nocturne.
(The Reapers, de John Connolly; insideblue)

5. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
(The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald; aphrodreams)

6. The walls were lined with books, although they were not books like the ones David read. David thought that he could hear the books talking amongst themselves when he arrived. He couldn't understand most of what they were saying, but they spoke v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y as if what they had to impart was very important or the person to whom they were speaking was very stupid.
(The Book of Lost Things, de John Connolly)

7. a lost battalion of platonic conversationalists jumping down
the stoops off fire escapes off windowsills off Empire State
out of the moon,
(Howl, de Allen Ginsberg)

8. If we could fly out of that window, hand in hand, hover over this great city, gently remove the roofs, and peep in at the queer things which are going on, the strange coincidences, the plannings, the cross-purposes, the wonderful chain of events, working through generations, and leading to the most outré results, it would make fiction with its conventionalities and forseen conclusions most stale and unprofitable.
(Sherlock Holmes: A Case of Identity. (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes), de Arthur Conan Doyle; aphrodreams)

9. Sometimes Sammy feared that he was on his way to becoming a professional sideckick.
(The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, de Michael Chabon)

10. She raised one hand and flexed its fingers and wondered, as she had sometimes before, how this thing, this machine for gripping, this fleshy spider on the end of her arm, came to be hers, entirely at her command.
(Atonement, de Ian McEwan; aphrodreams)

11. Louis Peyton no discutía jamás en público los métodos con los cuales había burlado a la policía de la Tierra en una docena de duelos de ingenio y alarde, con la amenaza de la psicoprueba siempre aguardando, pero siempre frustrada. Desde luego habría sido una tontería, pero en sus momentos de mayor satisfacción, le venían ganas de dejar un testamento para abrir después de su muerte, en el que se viera bien claro que sus continuos éxitos se debían a su habilidad y no a la suerte.
(La Campana Armoniosa (Estoy en Puertomarte sin Hilda y otros cuentos), de Isaac Asimov)

12. 'Bill, eh. The unpaid Bill. Anyone ever call you that?'
'No, sir.'
'Good name, anyway.'
'Yes, sir.'
'Known a lot of Bills. They've all been good 'uns.'
(Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, de John le Carré)

(jc) angel&louis bamf and co, (sh) the best and the wisest man, (k&c) a professional sidekick, (ttsp) it was a good time back then

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