What a busy week this has been. Yeesh!
Today too has been busy and exhausting, it's only 5 but I am ready to get into some warm pjs and spend the rest of the night in bed watching HBO shows.
So last night Chris and I went to see a play called Vincent in Brixton (about Vincent Van Gogh in London when he was 20) at a local private University here. I haven't been to a University theater performance and really did not have any expectations. But my goodness it was an amazing show! The actors were utterly amazing, the play itself was amazing and well written. Funny, emotional, deep, intriguing, and the set and sound effects were impressivley elaborate- from the real cast iron cooking wood stove, to seeing steam come off the tea they were drinking, to the food which was all real, and all actually cooked steaming off their plates. And the theater itself was small enough that you were close to the stage no matter where you sat, and it felt incredibly intimate. Then since it was opening night, after the show they had a free snack bar that also was also elaborate and impressive- about 15 different cheeses, crackers, fruit, home made truffles, soft sliced baguette bread and a wine bar with local wines. It was such a good experience overall. Chris and I loved it so much, and are planning to see every play they do now, no matter what it is.
However, since we stayed so long at the after-show, chatting, nibbling, and sipping wine, we didn't get home until nearly 11, and I didn't go to sleep till nearly 1, which is about 2 hours after my bed time, and I am an utter monster/ zombie, when I don't get a decent 7 hours of sleep, which of course I didn't because I woke up at 7am to feed the hens and take the dog out.
But despite this I still managed to be semi productive today. I did a full hour of yoga, mowed the lawn, cleaned out the chicken run, went through my book shelves and entertainment center and pulled out as much as I could stand to part with for a goodwill donation run. Then went to Goodwill, Trader Joes, and Home Depot. And now... well here I am all pooped out.
So earlier this week I did a workout from my new Jillian Michaels DVD...and um.. it kicked my fucking ass. I've been feeling decently strong, because when I go to the gym, I go to build muscle not lose weight, and I have already noticed my thighs and arms getting more muscle to them. So I felt confident enough to manage this DVD. And I started out ok, and just fine, but about 15 minutes in it got too intense, and I started to mentally give myself excuses to stop before it was over, and as if she was reading my mind Jillian Michaels says "And don't even think about giving up! You've come this far and you're almost done, DO NOT stop early!" and I'm like damn you Jillian!!! The bitch knows me too well. So I sighed and stuck with it, and finished the whole routine, and felt so proud I did, but afterwards my legs and thighs were pure shaky jelly. It got to muscles I don't work in the gym, and had me sore for days. So I've come up with a new method. Gym only about twice a week to hit as much weight as I can manage on the machines. But the rest of my workouts need to be yoga mixes and Jillian Michaels, cause they are such a better workout.
So that's that.
And lastly, apparently I am allergic to 4 members of my family. Yep. I had an allergy screening on Thursday. I went through my ENT, not my dermatologist, so they saw me almost immediately.. but newho, I didn't know what to expect, but certainly did not think they would use me as a fuckin pin cushion for an hour. My gosh! So many needles, so much pricking, so much itching!!! In the end, turns out I am mildly allergic to both cats and dogs (which I somewhat knew, since my hands can touch them fine, but if their fur gets on my arms or neck, I get little hives). Also I was off the charts allergic to dust mites, which are ugly little bugs the size of microns, that live everywhere!! Just look at these disgusting little things:
There can be several thousands of them on a single particle of dust, and they eat and poop out our shed skin cells. Gross!!!!! Ugh. I am also pretty allergic to 4 different types of grass, and about 5 different trees. So I have opted to go through allergy auto-immune therapy, the slit method, which will cost me about $180 every 8 weeks, but it will be worth it to not have nose, or itchy skin issues any more, and to have bearable Junes here.. since where I live happens to be the "grass capitol" of the world, and last spring/early summer I thought I was dying.
So because of all this new knowledge I have been in a bit of a war on dust in my home. Yesterday was dedicated to the bedroom, I dusted every conceivable surface and crevice, then washed all the blankets and pillow cases in hot water (which kills them), then got some allergy pillow covers for all the pillows, swept, washed the curtains, and got rid of everything in the room except the minimum.
I still have to do the entire house, which will be...a battle. Also first on the list, is tearing up the rest of the carpet in the living room/dining room, because carpets are mite havens.
Ok, I'm sorry this post is so long. I really should not go so long without posting, so I can do manageable short updates. So off I go for now.
p.s. have ya'll heard the new Lumineers song? Ahhhh mazing!