petron in a shrub, creepy dudes, a birthday, and vomit on a sleeve...

Mar 07, 2009 20:21

what the hell is wrong with cartoons nowadays!?  I just passed by the TV, Es is watching Total Drama Island, and one of the girls, wearing a swim suit, got her bikini top ripped off!  They blurred her cartoon boobs.  but my gosh what the hell!?

anywho... went to Belo lastnight with Lani, Rosana, Liz, Saul, Nadia and Myra.  Saul insisted Rosana park in front of the hotel he works at in the loading zone.  which I didnt think was such a hot idea, but we left it and were off.  Stopped mid way through a parking lot so the girls could throw down some shots of petron.  But we ended up with a full bottle still left and no where to put it.. because of course as luck would have it, Belo is the only club that does full purse searches (I was even interogated about my birth control they found, and once was held up for a full 5 minutes while they inspected some guarana pills they found in there).  Anyways we looked for a bush to throw it in so we could pick it up when we left, but there were no bushes on the downtown sidewalk, just sleeping bumbs, some fecal matter here and there and corners radiating with smells of stank urine... we finally found a shrub of grass on the side of a building, so we put the bottle under it and headed to the club.

Danced most of the night.  The place was packed.  we had to do lots of manuevering just to get through to the dance floor.  I was dead sober.  Unable to drink earlier because of stomach problems I was having earlier that day.  I felt really awkward and out of my element at first.  I felt like I couldnt even dance properly.  Then I thought "oh my gosh I am sober at a club".  After 15 minutes I felt good though.  All the girls were having a blast.  Myra appeared to be quite intoxicated so she was all over the dance floor, singing along with songs, gettin all into the music.  Some "snap ya fingers" came on, Lani's head was bobbin and weavin, mouth moving to the lyrics.  She does this dance thing, its hard to describe, but I quite like it.  Kind of like when I watch a really good hyphy dancer- it's fucken awesome.  Anywho, we rotated bewteen dancing rooms.  One of them always smells like ass and armpits.  I have a feeling it is because of a plumming or sewer line close by, since the club is underground.. Around midnight MIMS perfmored for a bit.  15 or 20 minutes.  He was awesome!!  I was not expecting to enjoy it as much as I did.  But this really super creepy guy was weirding me out.  We had a good position to see the performance, but of course the room was packed in like a can of sardines.  So I got stuck next to jeepers creepers.  He was with a girl, standing behind her with his arms around her waist, but I swear to Bob his eyes were fully glued to me the entire time.  As in- his head was turned a full 180 degrees to his right.  It was apparant he was blantantly staring and it was making me annoyed and uncomfortable.  Then there was Liz, who turned 21 that day so was celebrating "big time" if you catch my drift.. well by this time she had had way too much to drink, and was at the point where her eye's werent even fully open, and she was swaying and dancing around so oblivious that she was repeatedly bumping and crashing into by standers.  There were a lot of evil "ugh" looks thrown her way from the women, and some guys behind us had this classic look on their faces when she back bumped into them.  It almost looked at if they had just seen a flying pink chicken or something,  i wanted to say, 'what the fuck man?  you never seen a drunk girl or what?!  Get over it.'  Of course it was too loud to actually say that, and I was too amused anyways..
Anyhow in the midst of all that i was very much enjoying the performance, and was dancing and singing along to some of his songs and whatnot... He left with his entourage once it was over, and we migrated back to the non smelly dance room.  At one point a guy came up and started dancing behind me, I turned around to give him that "I don't think so buddy" look, but it was clear the point would not be taken with a look.  This guy was beyond drunk.  He was so drunk that even when he was trying to stand straight his upper body was swaying all over the place.  At that point I just shuffled over to Rosana to dance with her and escape.  he got the hint and stumbled off into the crowd..

When the club closed we started to walk back to the car.  My stupid ass thought we parked close enough to walk, since the cab ride from the car seemed like only a few seconds long.. I was wrong though.. lol and we walked at least 8 blocks back to the car.  We did however stop by the "shrub" to see if the petron was still there.  It was moved over just a bit, like someone had seen it and thought about taking it, but then knew better than to take strange liquids (it also had the color of pee) from the street.. the same street that many many bumbs sleep, pee and shit on.. so Rosana got her bottle back, untouched and undrunk.
We finally got back to the car, and I drove since I was very much sober.  But right as we all got in and buckled up Liz spewed half way on saul, halfway on Rosana's car door, and halfway on the street..  It was pretty gross, but at the same time kinda funny.  Saul kept showing us his vomit soaked sleeve.  5 minutes and what sounded like a gallon of vomit falling on the pavement later, we buckled up yet again and set off home.

It was quite a night, but very fun.  And I was surprised at how fun I had totally sober.  I mean I'm no drunk don't get me wrong.  But when I am at a club I drink.  thats just what I do.

anywhoo... I've got to get going now.  Es is still watching that nearly pornographic cartoon.  I have to find a wholesome movie for him to watch.

tah tah! 

just us girls, fun, independence

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